
After The Rain

Glamorish gals gigglingly glide in gourding gait
Of rainbow skirts in wreathed garlands with skies on a date
Holding hands of vapored clouds in walk kissing sate
Heart of pounding clock defying the rigor of the fate.
Sights soared in sun’s spilling sprucing spray
Of stage—light dance over plains and blossomed rising brae
Of tree tops’ tickles of soles prancing sway
In twirling flirts of robins with crickets’ drawing quay.
Casting crows coalesce in cryptic canvass carved
On painted breaths in visions clayed in caverns cast inward
Of light coiled in rippled rock’s weepings revealed to be starved
Of warming touch by passing trails devoid of feet on the sward.
Lushly lures of leaping lovers lay lilipads on limy lips
Forbidden to make kisses in tango with honey dips
That weave in vines deeply rooted far beyond pond sips
In caressing leafy hairs’ shimmy in belly dancing ellipse.
Cape of courtesied constellation call on crimson creeds
To summon lunar satchel pourings in crescents hanging beads
Of flashing breasts in clad of night apexed in heated needs
Fulfilled on sheets with breeze of mounts’ unparalleled appease.
Stillness simmers salty sweat in spareless sipping seas
That polka—dances in twirls of tide in chants of light whisking breeze
In its blanket mist on perspired chins of shores’ basked decrees
Yet to be heard on brazen day rolling in rhino’s tease.


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