Hunny Gurl

Little Birdie

A little birdie sits
Peacefully there,
Waiting continuously,
For you to come home,
Never moving,
Just waiting so quiet,
The wind in the air
Swiftly blows,
The birdie up,
Up to where the skies are blue,
The clouds are clear and
The breeze is sweet,
Until comes the rain,
Down to where
The grass now waits,
Blowing so gently,
To catch this little birdie,
As he sits,
Once again waiting,
You didn’t come,
You didn’t save him,
As the rain pelts
His paper body,
Slowly wilting
His wings so soft,
His body so small,
You didn’t come,
Poor little birdie..

This is random, but based on an oragami bird.

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