Hunny Gurl

A Horses Dream

The wind felt so good,
Against my silky coat,
My mane flickered in the wind,
The rope dangled across my throat,
I thought that torture would never end,
But I took my chance of freedom,
…and here I am,
I waited for years,
To see my herd again,
I hope they still remember me,
Its been long since I seen them,
As I raced across the meadow.
Not once looking back,
I cantered through the knee-high grass,
Then everything went black,
It seemed I fell so slowly,
I was awake but couldn’t see,
I tried to move but couldn’t,
A sharp pain stinging in my knee,
soon I could hear voices,
They just couldn’t leave me be,
I passed out later on the truck,
And when I woke.. I wasn’t free,
But back where I started,
Crammed in that stable,
I was broken hearted,
And now I know,
It was never meant to be,
I wasn’t born a horse,
That could just run free..

Other works by Hunny Gurl...
