yes, i’m saying sunshine & rainbows will flow from your heart & other lovely places like living liquid
i keep smiling forgetting to remember to stop myself.
drry awfl drd sys thngs tk t lng & y bttr hrry lst y
you’ve been invited, stupid asshol… to remember things differently, wh… it means to be human, even. dumb shit, you’ll always let someone el… handle it, whatever always happens
just start over not so much like anything was particularly
this being we are, delights in all things, yes but is held breathless
root it out the tiny bit left that says someone’s in charge not you. don’t let it live
people, mostly all barely beyond apes, cannot be trusted. they are incapable of caring
if ever someone is my dearest ear who hears my truth as theirs
yes, darling you should come & take care of me, someone has to, & you
I will meet you in the open air, & pet your pony’s nose. You will be
i could not conceive of such beauty, it had to hit me like it has. nothing
cool this angst some with beer, amazing how it works, three in and suddenly ashamed that i could hate
no means no. no response means no. (everyone knows maybe means nothing
now, I’m no Bukowski but my friends who don’t like poet… except his stuff, tell me they like mine, and I can drink like a drinking machine