why is nothing i can do now. where it went. what that echo means, if anything
there are never really any angels in god’s company, it really just pretends them
here’s a story. it may even be true. where i come from nothing ever sucks, so i
my spirit sings to you, clears and quickens. losing you is impossible
stupid met crazy decided to have a baby or two... what else you gonna do?
got the sex drive of 15 young bulls, but the women are all scared.
excuse me, i thought you were also the center of a fractal
yes, i’m saying sunshine & rainbows will flow from your heart & other lovely places like living liquid
we are nearly always a world which almost
first fruits hardly a handful, the garden
being drawn back unlike a bowstring but down and in as water finds the lowest
nobody goes mad on purpose, also never is it not shared,
may be too onerous a task for those not starving. lucky
shall we turn down the covers, crawl inside? find there a place that’s been waiting for us, a vortex of sorts
drry awfl drd sys thngs tk t lng & y bttr hrry lst y