1876 Sunning ourselves in October on a… Balmy as spring, though the year w… I lading my pipe, she stirring her… My old woman she says to me,
He toned the sprightly beam of mor… With twilight meek of tender eve, Brightness interfused with softnes… Light and shade did weave: And gave to candor equal place
How often in the years that close, When truce had stilled the sieging… The soldiers, mounting on their wo… With mutual curious glance have ru… From face to face along the fronti…
At length, towards noon, upon the final dismissal of the ship’s riggers, and after the Pequod had been hauled out from the wharf, and after the ever-thoughtful Charity had come off in a...
The ribs and terrors in the whale, Arched over me a dismal gloom, While all God’s sun-lit waves rol… And left me deepening down to doom… I saw the opening maw of hell,
In bed I muse on Tenier’s boors, Embrowned and beery losels all; A wakeful brain Elaborates pain: Within low doors the slugs of boor…
Beauty and youth, with manners swe… friends— Gold, yet a mind not unenriched ha… Whom here low violets veil from ey… But all these gifts transcended be…
I saw a ship of material build (Her standards set, her brave appa… Directed as by madness mere Against a solid iceberg steer, Nor budge it, though the infactuat…
June, 1865 Armies he’s seen—the herds of war, But never such swarms of men As now in the Nineveh of the Nort… How mad the Rebellion then!
All threatning death, all in straunge manner armed; Southwest of Barrington ties Charles’s Isle. And hereby hangs a history which I gathered long ago from a shipmate learned in all the ...
Where the wings of a sunny Dome e… I saw a Banner in gladsome air– Starry, like Berenice’s Hair– Afloat in broadened bravery there; With undulating long-drawn flow,
Far off in the sea is Marlena, A land of shades and streams, A land of many delights, Dark and bold, thy shores, Marlen… But green, and timorous, thy soft…
YOU see," said poet Blandmour, enthusiastically—as some forty years ago we walked along the road in a soft, moist snowfall, toward the end of March—"you see, my friend, that the blessed...
To have known him, to have loved h… After loneness long; And then to be estranged in life, And neither in the wrong; And now for death to set his seal—
Care is all stuff:— Puff! Puff! To puff is enough:— Puff! Puff More musky than snuff,