In a great land, a new land, a lan… and riches and confusion, Where there were many running to a… shouting, and striving together, In the midst of the hurry and the…
Home, for my heart still calls me; Home, through the danger zone; Home, whatever befalls me, I will sail again to my own! Wolves of the sea are hiding
When down the stair at morning The sunbeams round her float, Sweet rivulets of laughter Are bubbling in her throat; The gladness of her greeting
Not to the swift, the race: Not to the strong, the fight: Not to the righteous, perfect grac… Not to the wise, the light. But often faltering feet
They tell me thou art rich, my cou… In glittering flood has poured int… Thy flocks and herds increase, thy… With harvest, and thy stores can h… Their merchandise; unending trains…
They who tread the path of labor f… They who work without complaining,… Nevermore thou needest seek me; I… Raise the stone, and thou shalt fi… Where the many toil together, ther…
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love; Hearts unfold like flowers before… Praising Thee their sun above. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness…
The laggard winter ebbed so slow With freezing rain and melting sno… It seemed as if the earth would st… Forever where the tide was low, In sodden green and watery gray.
When the frosty kiss of Autumn in… Makes its mark On the flowers, and the misty morn… Over fallen leaves; Then my olden garden, where the go…
One sail in sight upon the lonely… And only one, God knows! For neve… But mine broke through the icy gat… These waters, greater grown than a… We left the shores of England. We…
When Stiivoren town was in its pr… And queened the Zuyder Zee, Its ships went out to every clime With costly merchantry. A lady dwelt in that rich town,
O Music hast thou only heard The laughing river, the singing bi… The murmuring wind in the poplar—t… Nothing but Nature’s melodies? Nay, thou hearest all her tones,
The glory of ships is an old, old… since the days when the sea—rovers… In their open boats through the ro… and the spread of the world began; The glory of ships is a light on t…
Wordsworth, thy music like a river… Among the mountains, and thy song… By living springs far up the water… No whirling flood nor parching dro… The crystal current: even on the s…
The other night I had a dream, mo… And comforting, complete In every line, a crystal sphere, And full of intimate and secret ch… Therefore I will repeat