The mountains that enfold the vale With walls of granite, steep and h… Invite the fearless foot to scale Their stairway toward the sky. The restless, deep, dividing sea
What hast thou done, O womanhood… Mother and daughter, sister, sweet… What hast thou done, amid this fat… To prove the pride of thine inheri… In this fair land of freedom and r…
Knight—errant of the Never—ending… And Minstrel of the Unfulfilled… For ever tuning thy frail earthly… To some unearthly music, and posse… With painful passionate longing to…
I love the hour that comes, with d… And dewy feet, along the Alpine d… To lead the cattle forth. A thous… Go chiming after her across the fa… And flowery uplands, while the ros…
Not to the swift, the race: Not to the strong, the fight: Not to the righteous, perfect grac… Not to the wise, the light. But often faltering feet
The glory of ships is an old, old… since the days when the sea—rovers… In their open boats through the ro… and the spread of the world began; The glory of ships is a light on t…
O garden isle, beloved by Sun and… Whose bluest billows kiss thy curv… Whose amorous light enfolds thee i… That fill with fruit each dark—lea… What hidden hatred hath the Earth…
I love thine inland seas, Thy groves of giant trees, Thy rolling plains; Thy rivers’ mighty sweep, Thy mystic canyons deep,
Break off! Dance no more! Danger is at the door. Music is in arms. To signal war’s alarms. Hark, a sudden trumpet calling
Like a long arrow through the dark… Bearing me far away, after a perfe… Wakeful with all the sad—sweet mem… I lift the narrow window—shade and… Lonely the land unknown, and like…
Thou who hast made thy dwelling fa… With flowers beneath, above with s… And set thine altars everywhere,— On mountain heights, In woodlands dim with many a dream…
Stand fast, Great Britain! Together England, Scotland, Irel… One in the faith that makes a migh… True to the bond you gave and will… And fearless in the fight for cons…
If I have erred in showing all my… And lost your favour by a lack of… If standing like a beggar at your… With naked feet, I have forgot th… Of those who bargain well in passi…
Now in the oak the sap of life is… Tho’ to the bough the rusty leafag… Now on the elm the misty buds are… See how the pine—wood grows alive… Blue—jays fluttering, yodeling and…
How blind the toil that burrows li… In winding graveyard pathways unde… For Browning’s lineage! What if m… Poor footmen or rich merchants on… Of his forbears? Did they beget h…