To his charming black-eyed niece Uncle Harry wishest peace! Wishes roses over strow’d O’er her sublunary road! No rude winds around her howl,
To my little niece Sally Livingst… Hasty pilgrim stop thy pace Turn a moment to this place Read what pity hath erected To a songster she respected.
On this thy natal day permit a fri… A brother - with thy joys his own… In all gladness he would wish to s… As willing in thy griefs a part to… Meekly attend the ways of higher h…
In long gone years a fox and crane Were bound in friendship’s golden… Whene’er they met, the fox would b… And madame Crane would curtsie lo… —My lovely Crane how do you do?
HORACE. While I was pleasing to your arms… Nor any youth, of happier charms, Thy snowy bosom blissful prest, Not Portia’s like me was blest.
Take the name of the swain, a forl… Who was chang’d to a flow’r for ad… A part deem’d essential in each la… With what maidens cry when they wi… A lullabye carriage, soft, cozy an…
Hail sov’reign love that first beg… The scheme to rescue fallen man; Hail matchless, free, eternal grac… That gave my soul a Hiding-Place. Against the God that rules the sk…
E v’ry grace in her combine, L ove and truth and friendship joi… I n one source without reserve, Z ealous all her friends to serve, A nd diffuse true harmony.
Believe me, dear patrons, I have… Without any compass, or planet or… My dear native village I scarcely… So I’ll hie to my hive like the t… Hail home! sacred home! to my soul…
With the ladies’ permission, most… How much we’re obliged by all thei… We sink with the weight of the hug… Too long & too broad to admit… For us (and I blush while I speak…
Of RISPAH. (who had been the co… From morn to eve from eve to rosy… On this bleak rock I’ll lay me al… Here will I stay, tho’ tempests f… Fierce lightnings glare, or earthq…
Her little bark on Life’s wide Oc… In the unequal struggle soon was l… Severe its conflict! Much alas it… Then sunk beneath the storm and ro… But when th’ Archangels clarion s…
I rise when I please, when I plea… Nor seek, what I care not a rush… The rattle called wealth I have l… Nor aim to be either important or… Let women & children & chi…
’Twas summer, when softly the bree… And Hudson majestic so sweetly wa… The groves rang with music & a… And nature in rapture beat time to… When Helen and Jonas, so true and…
A gentle spirit now above Once animated what lies here Till heav’n announc’d in tenderest… “Ascend Immortal to yon sphere.” The lambkin at the great behest