Ill busi’d man! why should’st thou… To lengthen out thy life’s short c… When ev’ry spectacle thou lookst u… Presents and acts thy execution. Each drooping season and each flow…
Piensan los Enamorados Que tienen los otros, los oios que… Why slightest thou what I approve… Thou art no Peer to try my love, Nor canst discern where her form l…
So soon grown old! hast thou been… Poor earth, once by my Love inhab… And must I live to calculate the… To which thy blooming youth could… But fell in the ascent! yet have n…
Fond Lunatick forbear, why do’st… For thy affections pay e’re it is… Loves fruits are legal use; and th… Be onely taken on the marriage day… Who for this interest too early ca…
Brought forth in sorrow, and bred… Two tender Children here entombed… One Place, one Sire, one Womb th… They had one mortal sickness, and… And though they cannot number many…
Fair one, why cannot you an old ma… He may as useful, and more constan… Experience shews you that maturer… Are a security against those fears Youth will expose you to; whose wi…
I will not weep, for ’twere as gre… To shed a tear for thee, as to hav… An Actor in thy death. Thy life a… Was but a various Scene on fortun… With whom thou tugg’st & strov…
Lady your art or wit could nere de… To shame me more then in this nigh… Why I am quite unready, and my ey… Now winking like my candle, doth d… To guide my hand, if it had ought…
My dearest Love! when thou and I… And th’ icy hand of death shall se… Which is all thine; within some sp… Ile leave no blanks for Legacies… Tis my ambition to die one of thos…
Like an Oblation set before a Shr… Fair One! I offer up this heart o… Whether the Saint accept my Gift… Ile neither fear nor doubt before… For he whose faint distrust preven…
For all the Ship-wracks, and the… Lost men have gain’d within the fu… The Sea hath fin’d and for our wr… When its wrought foam a Venus did… But what repair wilt thou unhappy…
1 Accept, thou shrine of my de… 2 Instead of dirges, this comp… 3 And for sweet flow’rs to cro… 4 From thy griev’d friend, who… 5 Quite melted into tears for…
Since thou hast view’d some Gorgo… A solid stone: To bring again to softness thy har… Is past my art. Ice may relent to water in a thaw;
Go thou that vainly do’st mine eye… To taste the softer comforts of th… And bid’st me cool the feaver of m… In those sweet balmy dewes which s… Enjoy thine own peace in untrouble…
Essex twice made unhappy by a Wif… Yet Marry’d worse unto the People… He who by two Divorces did untie His Bond of Wedlock and of Loyal… Who was by Easiness of Nature bre…