because i like the way your lips f… the sincere strokes of your finger… the way you hold me the feeling of your feelings; rare… warmth radiates
visualize spiritualize energize the energy that flows from plants
perception is everything as stunning as gorgeous as a shiny new toy as absolutely heart wrenching
her body is sex hips to waist hour glass figure innocent face gentle touch
Far from perfect Nothing according to plan A happy disaster And then he held my hand Perfectly imperfect
i wanted to say i miss you but i didn’t know if that was righ… the definition doesn’t mention restlessness at night rather it describes the absence
confused and used maniupilated and abused
mystical magical so irrational fairytale fantasy complete
puzzle pieces that fit together without words in a blanket
the spirits are pushing me forward to a path ive seen before he hit on me! but i took his bait it was this one trait
Mellow yellow Vibrant orange Orange vibes Energize Leafy stems
the smell of the salty air ripples kiss the white powdered sand the song of the ocean in harmony with the birds
physical attraction satisfaction mental connection self reflection reflect
tweet retweet like&share but post your feelings
our paths crossed in a peculiar kind of way random in reason more reason