Perhaps it’s best to go other ways… You don’t feel as I do, Juat me, All of you, You all, me alone. And even with you all
Call what you see, if you please. Loser, creep, weirdo... At least say it to me. To me. Me and not them,
Welcome to the caverns Hope you cannot stay Darkness fills the taverns At the beginning of the day Leave while you are happy
Whirl our way, dearest deceaser! This is your time and ours to fly! The time to fly nears, The deceased thrown in fears, While the living await death!
It was a dark room, but she was br… There was only nothing in this roo… I could see her eyes. I could se… All her radiance felt warm. Soot… I craved her warmth. I walked to…
I walked in as I did every 7th of… And as I caught up on the situati… I noticed a fly go into the room. The fly landed on the wall Where the stains of the previous a…
Ember man I met once Ashes in and not gray Has survived sixteen suns Does at night through the day Of his cart fit the four
Walk the steps that near the cente… Feet away from where we enter. Embraced by my dear defender A ghost of me still lingers there. Blades of grass, small turtles sna…
As I make my way to the metal Where the flames burn my desires, I drop my newly found petal, For it keeps me warm. I do walk my way to my sack,
I fall And as I fall I see black Black everywhere For my eyes are closed And they will not open
My head was of metal My heart was of straw My bones were of twigs For those who did not know They scarred each one
Against my will I act like me I am not who I pretend I am only a humanoid on the inside I am a human on the out I see something in me
We all have our kingdom, We all had a childhood inside, One that, when seems to be forgott… Surprises us with the gift of life And It is clean
Dearly Beloved, The sand is not hot, The water, not wet. A beach, it is not. The battles lie fought
Daddy’s girl was up all night Always looking for a sight Other poet, things to write Phony poles that do not bite She was happy I could see