I spent the evening with my flatma… brushed my teeth, disinfected my ear and got into my pajamas I long for conversation.
Then there is the good, but what good would good be if it didn’t have the bad to offse… The only thing pushing kindness forward,
Estoy cansado, pero con energía para hacer lo que tengo que hacer. Creo que miro demasiado hacia el futuro. Hay mucho ahora por explorar, mucho alrededor por aprovechar, muchas cosas qu...
Parados en el anden, que está lleno de gente corriendo para llegar a un tren que saldrá o no saldrá, pero todos llegarán a sus casas o a donde estén yendo. Cada uno de nosotros recorrer...
I get easily lost in the search fo… and thinking how I’ll enjoy all the good things that come with… In doing so, I fail at what I am… Momentarily I’m not there,
De golpe; Se me ha vaciado el pecho con la e… El tiempo corre; Y ahora mismo mi corazón se aceler… El ansia se alza sobre el timón
There’s a man, who might have some sort of disord… playing with a chain, and blatantly taking of his mask. This old looking man
I have my first serious exam on T… or will it be Wednesday. I need to study a lot over the wee… but I’m not feeling the nervousnes… I felt when I was in school.
Picture a key, Gold and shiny, With its ins and outs And its roundabouts. A key which is always
No te iras de este mundo sin comer Pipas Facundo. Pero Facundo se hundió, Y la pipa sobre si mismo giró. Se encorvó y disparó.
I am a traveler without mention wonder the streets without directi… just waiting for the train to leav… And I might take the wrong lane or go the right way with the wrong…
A room, a bed and a table just big enough to fit a bunch of loose papers and a lapt… A window through which he can see the happe…
Do I sleep and oversleep because it provides an escape from the pains of ordinary life, or rather because it allows me to wander off into my dreams,
Estoy tirado viendo una serie cont… Y por mucho que a cada rato El video se quede parado, Siento que te tengo a mi lado. El tiempo pasa volando
I just played for some time with one of my flat mates.