I find happiness in travel and forward movement, even if I don’t know where I’m go… The sound of the street, of people walking by,
It’s 3:30 in the morning and I spent the night dancing. I was dancing with you and with her, and then with them.
I just played for some time with one of my flat mates.
Picture a key, Gold and shiny, With its ins and outs And its roundabouts. A key which is always
1. I admitted that I am powerless… 2. Came to believe that a Power g… 3. Made a decision to turn my will… 4. Made a searching and fearless m… 5. Admitted to my Muse, to my sel…
I spent the evening with my flatma… brushed my teeth, disinfected my ear and got into my pajamas I long for conversation.
Parados en el anden, que está lleno de gente corriendo para llegar a un tren que saldrá o no saldrá, pero todos llegarán a sus casas o a donde estén yendo. Cada uno de nosotros recorrer...
I get easily lost in the search fo… and thinking how I’ll enjoy all the good things that come with… In doing so, I fail at what I am… Momentarily I’m not there,
There’s a man, who might have some sort of disord… playing with a chain, and blatantly taking of his mask. This old looking man
Calm, at altitude Almost floating with gratitude. The top, a consistent radiant whit… almost never seen.
I’m tired Yesterday I drank and smoked until I made myself a new hole
Tengo el corazón encogido como el espejo de este mi baño, por el regalado daño de su excitado gemido. Se fue cuando me quede dormido,
When I was three I had a reason to be but didn’t need it. When I was nine I thought and whined
Two drinks no more Run and blend of the colour. I decide to walk home, it’s cold,
Time has past with altered age, Five and fifty all the same. A joke with friends to keep me tam… Balled up fists to spill my rage.