Gonzalo F. Rosales

Chamber of feelings

Your life might be a movie

Got some time alone listening to chambers,
with alternative stories,
with different speeds on their feelings.
DeMarco, Khalifa, Liana, and others.
Some time to hear about the deepest desires and losses,
Thinking like an old man, trying to criticize me.
Like my mother once told me, you have to be good.
I am good now mom, but how about the world?
Time thinking there are days that seem never to end.
Days waiting for responses as a lover for his Romeo,
Years looping the same lyrics I thought helped me.
But what about now? The moon rises and I am lost.
Alone again, as it might be to talk about myself.
Without trash-talking from those who hate you,
But no taking the safe words of who you love.
Alone, where someone really knows about him.
Listening to nature, but my nature.
Hearing the heartbeat of the girl I love,
letting myself be carried away by her rhythm.
Living around other souls talking outside.
A chamber in my world inside the world.
To: Me
From: Me
You are doing things well, try just to be proud about it.
How would life be if we were all perfect? Would it be life?
Keep things up, afford those things you want.
We are cute because we have problems and solve them.
Make everyone you know happy, do your best for you, her, and them.
Sun will rise again.
Chambers, at different points of your life, might appear.
Do not be afraid of them, maybe if you use them they leave.
I might not be alone, but the same.
This is my chamber of feelings, a little bit more mature,
a little bit more me.

Love you

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