Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and a woman’s past is hidden in her heart, in a steel folder, chained and locked up; away from the world because she is afraid of the judgements and sentences like “I told her”, when she made mistakes so rich that they did more than just stain her future, but block the cleanliness from entering her mind and her soul.
This is a black woman who is afraid to like, and even love because she fears the negative words which come from the peoples mouth as they push and shove her through the halls of despair. She fears the feeling of depression, hurt, and anger, even though she’s felt it many times before back when she actually cared about things, and could actually stare at herself in the mirror and smile.
This is a black woman who is tired of running into the wrong one, being laughed at, used, and left with a heart so broken and bruised. Sick of the long lonely nights, seeing her man doing wrong, and getting brutally abused when she points it out.
This is a black woman who has been through so much pain, that she just feels as if hiding it all will help her.