I sought on earth a garden of deli… Or island altar to the Sea and Ai… Where gentle music were accounted… And reason, veiled, performed the… My sad youth worshipped at the pit…
Slow and reluctant was the long de… With many farewell pious looks beh… And dumb misgivings where the path… And questionings of nature, as I… The greener branches that above me…
O world, thou choosest not the bet… It is not wisdom to be only wise, And on the inward vision close the… But it is wisdom to believe the he… Columbus found a world, and had no…
I would I had been born in nature… When man was in the world a wide-e… And clouds of sorrow crossed his s… To scatter dewdrops on the buds of… Then could he work and love and fi…
Dreamt I today the dream of yeste… Sleep ever feigning one evolving t… Of my two lives which should I ca… Which action vanity? Which vision… Some greater waking must pronounce…
Love not as do the flesh-imprisone… Whose dreams are of a bitter bough… Or even of a maiden’s tenderness Whom they love only that she loves… For it is but thyself thou lovest…
I would I might forget that I am… And break the heavy chain that bin… Whose links about myself my deeds… What in the body’s tomb doth burie… Is boundless; ’tis the spirit of t…
O martyred Spirit of this helples… Who dost by pain for tyranny atone… And in the star, the atom, and the… Purgest the primal guilt, and in t… Rich but in grief, thou dost thy w…
Have patience; it is fit that in t… The spirit purge away its proper d… No endless fever doth thy watches… For by excess of evil, evil dies. Soon shall the faint world melt be…
Have I the heart to wander on the… So patient in her everlasting cour… Seeking no prize, but bowing to th… That gives direction and hath give… Rain tears, sweet Pity, to refres…
Deem not, because you see me in th… Of this world’s children run my fa… That I blaspheme against a proffe… Or leave unlearned the love of hol… I honour not that sanctity the les…
Mightier storms than this are brew… That pricks the crystal lake with… The past hath treasure of sublimer… And God is witness to their chang… Big is the future with portentous…
Sweet are the days we wander with… Along life’s labyrinthine trodden… With no impatience at the steep’s… Nor sorrow at the swift-descended… Why this inane curiosity to grope
There may be chaos still around th… This little world that in my think… For mine own bosom is the paradise Where all my life’s fair visions a… Within my nature’s shell I slumbe…
A wall, a wall to hem the azure sp… And hedge me in from the disconsol… Give me but one of all the mountai… Enough of ocean in its voice I he… Come no profane insatiate mortal n…
A thousand beauties that have neve… Haunt me with hope and tempt me to… The gods, methinks, dwell just beh… The satyrs at my coming fled the g… The flitting shadows of the grove…
There was a time when in the teeth… I flung the challenge of the spiri… The child, the dreamer of that vis… Woke, and was humbled unto man’s e… A slave I am; on sun and moon I w…
Blaspheme not love, ye lovers, nor… The wise divinity that makes you b… Sealing the eyes, but showing to t… The high perfection from which nat… For love is God, and in unfathome…
Above the battlements of heaven ri… The glittering domes of the gods’… Whence, like a constellation, pass… The truth of all things feeds immo… There all forgotten dreams of para…
These strewn thoughts, by the moun… I conned for comfort, till I ceas… And with these flowering thorns I… The crown, great Mother, on thine… Teach thou a larger speech to my l…
Among the myriad voices of the Sp… What were the voice of my supreme… What were my cry amid the vernal c… Or my complaint before the gods th… O too late love, O flight on woun…
’Tis love that moveth the celestia… In endless yearning for the Chang… And the stars sing together, as th… To number the innumerable years. ’Tis love that lifteth through the…
But is this love, that in my hollo… Gnaws like a silent poison, till… Is this the vision that the haggar… Fed with his vigils, till he found… Is this the hope that piloted thy…
Although I decked a chamber for m… And found a moonlit garden for the… Wherein all flowers looked happy a… Hath the deep heart of me been sat… The chasm 'twixt our spirits yawns…
As in the midst of battle there is… For thoughts of love, and in foul… As gossips whisper of a trinket’s… Spied by the death-bed’s flickerin… As in the crevices of Caesar’s to…
Oh, if the heavy last unuttered gr… That lieth here could issue to the… Then might God’s peace descend on… And seal this heart as with a migh… For what sin, Heaven, must I thus…
Sleep hath composed the anguish of… And ere the dawn I will arise and… Strengthen me, Heaven, and attune… Unto my better angel’s clear refra… For I can hear him in the night a…
Out of the dust the queen of roses… The brackish depths of the blown w… Blossoms of foam; the common mist… Weave Vesper’s holy, pity-laden w… So from sad, mortal, and unhallowe…
What riches have you that you deem… Or what large comfort that you cal… Tell me what makes you so exceedin… Is your earth happy or your heaven… I hope for heaven, since the stars…
Let my lips touch thy lips, and my… Contagious fever be, to set a-glow The blood beneath thy whiter breas… Wonderful snow, that so can kindle… Abandon to what gods in us conspir…
A brother’s love, but that I chos… From all the world, not by the cha… But in the risen splendour of thy… Which, like the sun, put all my st… A lover’s love, but that it bred n…
Let not thy bosom, to my foes alli… Insult my sorrow with this coat of… When for thy strong defence, if lo… Thou hast the world, thy virtue, a… But if thine own dear eyes I see…
A perfect love is nourished by des… I am thy pupil in the school of pa… Mine eyes will not reproach thee f… But thank thy rich disdain for bei… Aye! the proud sorrow, the eternal…
Though destiny half broke her crue… Herself contriving we should meet… And with thy beauty fed my spirit’… And tuned to love the ages’ many j… Yet there is potency in natal star…
We needs must be divided in the to… For I would die among the hills o… And o’er the treeless melancholy p… Await the coming of the final gloo… But thou—O pitiful!—wilt find sca…
We were together, and I longed to… How drop by silent drop my bosom b… I took some verses full of you, an… Waiting for God to work some mira… They told how love had plunged in…
And I was silent. Now you do not… But read these very words with vac… And, as you turn the page, peruse… And I go by you as a cloud might… You are not cruel, though you deal…
Oh, not for me, for thee, dear Go… Shines with this perfect golden au… For thee this sweetness doth posse… And to thy chambers are her footst… The light will live that on my pat…
The world will say, “What mystic… What ghostly mistress? What angel… Read, masters, your own passion to… And tell me then if I have writ a… When all loves die that hang upon…
If, when the story of my love is o… This book should live and lover’s… Fair charactered, for bluest eye t… And richly bound, for whitest hand… O limn me then this lovely head in…
Yet why, of one who loved thee not… Thy counterfeit, for other men to… When God himself did on my heart… Thy face, like Christ’s upon the… O how much subtler than a painter’…
As when the sceptre dangles from t… Of some king doting, faction runne… Thieves shake their chains and tra… Hover about the confines of the la… Till the young Prince, anointed,…
The candour of the gods is in thy… The strength of Dian in thy virgi… Commanding as the goddess might co… And lead her lovers into higher wa… Aye, the gods walk among us in the…
For thee the sun doth daily rise,… Behind the curtain of the hills of… And my soul, passing through the n… Broods on thy love, and never can… For thee the garlands of the wood…
Flower of the world, bright angel,… I never asked of Heaven thou shou… As well ask Heaven’s self that sp… With all his stars about my head t… It is enough my spirit may ascend
When I survey the harvest of the… And from time’s threshing garner u… What profit have I of forgotten p… What comfort, heart-locked, for th… The season’s yield is this, that t…
Thou hast no name, or, if a name t… To none it meaneth what it means t… Thy form, the loveliness the world… Makes not the glory that to me tho… Nor thine unuttered thoughts, thou…
Of Helen’s brothers, one was born… And one immortal, who, the fable s… Gave to the other that was nigh to… One half his widowed immortality. They would have lived and died alt…
After grey vigils, sunshine in the… After long fasting on the journey,… After sharp thirst, a draught of p… To flood the soul, and heal her an… Joy of my sorrow, never can we par…
Though utter death should swallow… And choke with dust the mouth of m… Though no dawn burst, and no auror… Sing GLORIA DEO when the heav… Yet have I light of love, nor nee…
What chilly cloister or what latti… Cast painted light upon this caref… What thought compulsive held the p… Till sound of matin bell or evenin… Did visions of the Heavenly Lover…
Unhappy dreamer, who outwinged in… The pleasant region of the things… And soared beyond the sunshine, an… The golden cornfields and the dear… Warmth of the hearth,—blasphemer o…
Hold high the woof, dear friends,… The cunning mixture of its colours… Nothing in nature purposely is fai… Her beauties in their freedom disa… But here all vivid dyes that garis…
Calm was the sea to which your cou… Oh, how much calmer than all south… Many your nameless mates, whom the… Wafted from mothers that of old ha… All souls of children taken as the…
Behoild Pelides with his yellow h… Proud child of Thetis, hero loved… Above the frowning of his brows of… A crown of gold, well combed, with… Who might have seen him, sullen, g…
Our youth is like a rustic at the… That cries aloud in simple-hearted… Curses the villain, shudders at th… And weeps before the maiden’s wrea… Yet once familiar with the changef…
What god will choose me from this… To worship him afar, with inward g… At sunset and at sunrise, in some… Garden of roses; Or under the full moon, in rapturo…
I hear a rumour and a shout, A louder heart-throb pulses in the… Fling, Muse, thy lattice open, an… To keep the morning out. Beckon into the chamber of thy car…
The low sandy beach and the thin s… The wide reach of bay and the long… O, I am far from home! The salt, salt smell of the thick… And the smooth round stones that t…
See this bowl of purple wine, Life-blood of the lusty vine! All the warmth of summer suns In the vintage liquid runs, All the glow of winter nights