To God and man be simply true; Do as thou hast been wont to do; Bring out thy treasures, old and n… - Mean all the same when said to you…
Queen Mary one day Jesus sent To fetch some water, legends tell; The little boy, obedient, Drew a full pitcher from the well; But as he raised it to his head,
There was an auld fisher, he sat b… An’ luikit oot ower the sea; The bairnies war playin, he smil’t… But the tear stude in his e’e. An’ it’s-oh to win awa, awa!
ALAS, my tent! see through it a… Moaning, poor Fancy’s doves are s… I sit alone, a sorrow half asleep, My consciousness the blackness all… No pilgrim I, a homeless wanderer…
In God alone, the perfect end, Wilt thou find thyself or friend.
FROM thine, as then, the healing… Into our hearts-that is the Fathe… From heart to heart it sinks, it s… From these that know thee still in… Here is my heart-from thine, Lord…
She comes! again she comes, the br… Under a ragged cloud I found her… Clasping her own dark orb like hop… That ragged cloud hath waited her… And he hath found and he will hide…
What life it is, and how that all… With outward maker’s force, or lik… Sir Philip Sidney’s Arcadia To L.P.M.D.
Why came in dreams the low-born ma… Between thee and thy rest? In vain thy whispered message ran, Though justice was its quest! Did some young ignorant angel dare…
The sun is gone down And the moon’s in the sky But the sun will come up And the moon be laid by. The flower is asleep.
Oft, as I rest in quiet peace, am… Thrust out at sudden doors, and ma… Through desert solitudes, and thun… Black passages which have not any… The scourge is on me now, with all…
‘Earth, if aught should check thy… Rushing through unfended space, Headlong, stayless, thou wilt fall Into yonder glowing ball!’ ‘Beggar of the universe,
Mary, to thee the heart was given For infant hand to hold, And clasp thus, an eternal heaven, The great earth in its fold. He seized the world with tender mi…
Said the Wind to the Moon, ‘I wi… You stare In the air As if crying Beware,
Graut Euch nicht, Ihr lieben Leu… Vor dem ungeheuren Morgen; Wenn es kommt, es ist das Heute, Und der liebe Gott zu sorgen.