I’m confused I’ve betrayed myself.
What is this emotion I feel.
Delaying my true actions, replaced by only compassion.
I was untouchable what happened?
I can not fight her as if I’m possessed.
Wronged but believing I deserve nothing less.
I’d rather blame myself for every problem hug an explain even cry to solve them.
I’m a bee to her hive protecting her every emotion with every sting till I die.
She’s abusive, but only when angry. She apologizes an I cry strangely.
There’s something wrong with this feeling.
I haven’t felt it long.
To good to describe it.
Only when she’s around do I feel it.
It’s to soon now to far to kill it.
It’s full blown.
Now I pace behind her like a dog or a drone.
I feel like I need her.
Undeniable I’d do anything to please her.
Her worst behavior, when smacked I’ll chase her wrap my arms around her, embrace her, jJust to bring her back.
Making up an exuse!
Like a toy being misused,
Never knowing is it my fault at least until I thought’
Maybe she’s confused,
Because this feeling keeps me going.
One day she’ll feel the same erase my pain. wipe away these tears I call rain.
Because I was taught a man never cries, If i say I haven’t that’ll be a lie, because for her I’ll cry an Ocean.
Every time she fucks up. I’m still hopping.
Endless devotion I’ll do anything sell her my emotions.
When god asks for my heart, This empty chest had already been opened.
This feeling must have been sent from above.
It’s Love.