Geeta Sookdeo

The Best Teacher Who I Ever Met!

the best teacher who i ever met!

I had nowhere to turn, nowhere to go,
This is just something I think you should know,
I don’t know what made me like you a lot,
You really brought out my true soul,
Then I moved to the next form,
Gosh I was afraid,
That our trust would slowly fade,
But I was wrong,
We are still strong,
Even though sometimes you don’t have time,
You atleast ask me if I am if I am fine,
Even though sometime I am not,
I smile and say yes I am alright,
No one understands me like you do,
Everytime I see you,
You bring a smile to my  face,
You listen and never told,
You are someone that I want to be like,
I found out that person is,
That person is you,
I hope that you remember me through your days,
You have touched my heart in so many ways,
You have turned me into a beautiful person,
I was meant to be,
You’re like my big sister who I look forward to see,
If you can only see the smiles you bring to me,
I am so glad,
That you were there when I needed you,
And this makes you the best teacher of all!

