Franklin Pierce Adams

His Monument

Horace: Book III, Ode 30
“Exegi monumentum aere perennius—”
The monument that I have built is durable as brass,
And loftier than the Pyramids which mock the years that pass.
No blizzard can destroy it, nor furious rain corrode—
Remember, I’m the bard who built the first Horatian Ode.
I shall not altogether die; a part of me’s immortal.
A part of me shall never pass the mortuary portal;
And when I die my fame shall stand the nitric test of time—
The fame of me of lowly birth, who built the lofty rhyme!
Ay, fame shall be my portion when no trace there is of me,
For I first madeÆolian songs the songs of Italy.
Accept I pray, Melpomene, my modest meed of praise,
And crowm my thinning, graying locks with wreathes of Delphic bays!
Autres oeuvres par Franklin Pierce Adams...
