Lord Shaftesbury YOU have done well, we say it. Y… And, of the man that with the righ… Less than the left hand gives, let… He has done something for our wret…
In a Sampan (Min River, Fo Kien) Up in the misty morning, Up past the gardened hills, With the rhythmic stroke of the ro…
I SEE a Land of desperate drough… I see a land where Need keeps spr… And all but giants perish in the s… I see a Land where more, and more… The demons, Earth and Wealth, gro…
He asked me of my friend– “a cleve… Such various talent, business, jou… A pen that might some day have sen… From our greatest newspapers.”– “… All this,” I said.– “And yet he w…
SIMPLE You were, and good. No… Beat than the heart within your ge… Labour You had, and happiness, an… And were the maid of nations. Now… To feverish life, feeling the pois…
This is what I pray In this horrible day, In this terrible night, God will give me light. Such as I have had,
DOWN in the woodlands, where the… Close to the breezy river, by the… Of ferns and flowers that shun the… But gather round the lizard-haunte… And listen to the birds’ sweet syl…
(For the Irish Delegates in Aust… DO you want to hear a story, With a nobler praise than ‘glory,’ Of a man who loved the right like… hell?
(Sydney) ‘The Man of the Nation’ YONDER the band is playing And the fine Young People walk. They are envying each other and ta…
‘LIBERTY?’ Is that the cry, th… We have heard it oft of yore. Once it had, we think, a meaning; Let us hear it now no more. We have read what history tells us
. . . They caught him at the bend.… Sat in the car, revolvers in their… From either side the stone-walled… There flashed thin fire-streaks in… The father swayed and fell, shot t…
. . . I went the other day To see the birds and beasts they k… In the London Zoo. One of the fi… One of the first I noticed, was a… Ragged, befouled, within his iron…
‘My baby girl, that was born and d… ‘WITH wild torn heart I see them… Wee unused clothes and empty cot. Though glad my love has missed the… That falls to woman’s lot.
WHEN day’s hard task’s done, Eve’s scant meal partaken, Out we steal each one, Weariless, unshaken. In small reeking squares,
YOU are at least a Man, of men a… You have a heart, and with that he… The race you come from is not gend… The filthy sty whose latest litter… Round England’s flesh-pots, gorge…