. . . In a dark street she met and… Importuning, one wet and mild Mar… We walked and talked together. O… Was very common; thousands know it… ‘Seduced’; a gentleman; a baby com…
IN the black night, along the mud… Amid the threatening boughs and gh… Hark! sounds that gird the darknes… Murmurs and rumours and reverberan… Trampling, breaths, movements, and…
(Song of the American Sons of La… The Song O WE knew so well, dear Father, When we answered to your call, And the Southern Moloch stricken
‘Susannah and Mary-Jane’ TWO little Darlings alone, Clinging hand in hand; Two little Girls come out To see the wonderful land!
O India, India, O my lovely land… At whose sweet throat the greedy… With fangs and lips that suck and… Clings, while around thee, band by… The loathsome shape twists, chaini…
‘Move on!’ ‘THE foxes have holes, And the birds of the air have nest… But where shall the heads of the s… Be laid, be laid?’
He asked me of my friend– “a cleve… Such various talent, business, jou… A pen that might some day have sen… From our greatest newspapers.”– “… All this,” I said.– “And yet he w…
(TO LORD——) WILL you not buy? She asks you,… Who know the points desirable in s… She does not say that she is perfe… She’s not too pleasant to the sigh…
IN the chill grey summer dawn-lig… We pass through the empty streets; The rattling wheels are all silent… No friend his fellow greets. Here and there, at the corners,
It is something in this darker dre… to have wrestled with its pleas… it is something to have sinned, an… it is something to have failed,… It is something to have loved the…
In night-long days, in aeons where all Time’s nights are one… where life and death sing paeans as of Greeks and Galileans, never begun or done;
(Mindanao, Philippines) IN the dark waveless sea, Deep blue under deep blue, The fisher drifts by on the tide In his small pole-balanced canoe.
All the heat and the glow and the… of the summer afternoon; the scent of the sweet-briar bush over bowing grass-blades and br… the birds that flit and pass;
CRUEL City, London, London, Where, duped slaves of devils’ cre… Men and women desperate, undone, Dream such dreams, and do such dee… London, London, cruel city,
(Sydney) ‘The Man of the Nation’ YONDER the band is playing And the fine Young People walk. They are envying each other and ta…