Sir, we approve your curling lip a… At this vile sight. These men, these women are brute b… Sir, but that you are right? Panders and harlots, rogues and th…
‘Forty Years After’ COMRADE, yet a little further… Closes round and chills in darknes… Yet a little, by the cliff there,… Of the man who once was with us, c…
In night-long days, in aeons where all Time’s nights are one… where life and death sing paeans as of Greeks and Galileans, never begun or done;
IN the early summer morning I stand and watch them come, The Children to the School-house; They chatter and laugh and hum. The little boys with satchels
Who is it speaks of defeat?— I tell you a Cause like ours Is greater than defeat can know; It is the power of powers! As surely as the earth rolls round…
‘Move on!’ ‘THE foxes have holes, And the birds of the air have nest… But where shall the heads of the s… Be laid, be laid?’
A Memory LITTLE elfin maid, Old, though scarce two years, With your big dark hazel eyes Tenderer than tears,
‘Chant of the Firemen’ ‘THIS is the steamer’s pit. The ovens like dragons of fire Glare thro’ their close-lidded eye… With restless hungry desire.
O WORDS as clear as are the daw… Between the still cloud-layers, an… As violets are, looking through cr… And with such melody as birds may… That sing the morning notes where…
(Sydney) ‘Armageddon’ O CITY lapped in sun and Sabbat… With happy face of plenteous ease… Have you no doubts that whisper, d…
O WE have loved you through cold… And pitiless frost, Consuming our offering of blood an… Gladly again and again and again, Though it all seemed lost,
WHEN day’s hard task’s done, Eve’s scant meal partaken, Out we steal each one, Weariless, unshaken. In small reeking squares,
All the heat and the glow and the… of the summer afternoon; the scent of the sweet-briar bush over bowing grass-blades and br… the birds that flit and pass;
SHRIEKS out of smoke, a flame o… That is not quenched but hath for… What writhes and dies not in its r… Two things made flesh, the visible… To match in filth the skunk, the a…
(Coral Sea, Australia) DEAD in the sheep-pen he lies, Wrapped in an old brown sail. The smiling blue sea and the skies Know not sorrow nor wail.