To a Workman, a would-be Suicide MAN of despair and death, Bought and slaved in the gangs, Starved and stripped and left To the pitiful, pitiless night,
GRAVE this deep in your hearts, Forget not the tale of the past! Never, never believe That any will help you, or can, Saving only Yourselves!
. . . I went the other day To see the birds and beasts they k… In the London Zoo. One of the fi… One of the first I noticed, was a… Ragged, befouled, within his iron…
O WORDS as clear as are the daw… Between the still cloud-layers, an… As violets are, looking through cr… And with such melody as birds may… That sing the morning notes where…
‘HE holds a pistol to my head, Swearing he will shoot me dead, If he have not my purse instead, The robber!’ ‘He, with the lash of wealth and p…
YOU ask me why I love her, As I love nought on earth? Why I’ll put none above her For sorrow or for mirth? Though there be others fairer;
“Yes, let Art go, if it must be That with it men must starve - If Music, Painting, Poetry Spring from the wasted hearth!” Yes, let Art go, till once again
In a Sampan (Min River, Fo Kien) Up in the misty morning, Up past the gardened hills, With the rhythmic stroke of the ro…
This is what I pray In this horrible day, In this terrible night, God will give me light. Such as I have had,
In night-long days, in aeons where all Time’s nights are one… where life and death sing paeans as of Greeks and Galileans, never begun or done;
‘WE sow the fertile seed and then… We thresh the golden grain; we kne… Others that eat are glad. In stor… While we hunger outside with heart… Hallelujah!
‘THE foxes have holes, And the birds of the air have nest… But where shall the heads of the s… Be laid, be laid?’ ‘Where the cold corpse rests,
(Song of the American Sons of La… The Song O WE knew so well, dear Father, When we answered to your call, And the Southern Moloch stricken
One thing we praise you for that i… The dauntless eyes that faced the… The hand that never wearied in the… Till, through the dark’s despair,… It rose, that vision of forgotten…
(Sydney) ‘The Man of the Nation’ YONDER the band is playing And the fine Young People walk. They are envying each other and ta…