TAKE, then, your paltry Christ, Your gentleman God. We want the carpenter’s son, With his saw and hod. We want the man who loved
BRUTE beast, at last you have it… Truth’s not a phrase, justice an i… Your life ran red with murder, gre… Blood has washed blood clean, and… Your carrion will be purified. Ye…
BEYOND the Night, down o’er the… I see light’s harbinger of day rel… Upon the false gleam of the ante-d… Lo, the fair heaven of sun-pursuin… Beyond the lampless sleep and peri…
(For the Ballarat statue of him) THIS is Scotch William Wallace… Who in dark hours first raised his… Who watched the English tyrant No… Steel-clad, with iron hoofs the S…
CROUCHED in the terrible land, The circle of pitiless ice, With frozen bloody feet And her pestilential summer’s Fever-throb in her brow,
(Melbourne) I CAME to buy a book. It was a… Down in a narrow quiet street, and… They kept, I knew, these socialis… I entered. All was bare, but clea…
UP from the oven pit, The hell where poor men toil, At the sunset hour he comes Clean-clothed, washed from soil. On the fo’c’s’le head he kneels,
O WE have loved you through cold… And pitiless frost, Consuming our offering of blood an… Gladly again and again and again, Though it all seemed lost,
‘WE sow the fertile seed and then… We thresh the golden grain; we kne… Others that eat are glad. In stor… While we hunger outside with heart… Hallelujah!
’TIS not when I am here, In these homeless homes, Where sin and shame and disease And foul death comes; ’Tis not when heart and brain
GRAVE this deep in your hearts, Forget not the tale of the past! Never, never believe That any will help you, or can, Saving only Yourselves!
It is something in this darker dre… to have wrestled with its pleas… it is something to have sinned, an… it is something to have failed,… It is something to have loved the…
BURY me with clenched hands And eyes open wide, For in storm and struggle I lived… And in struggle and storm I died.
He asked me of my friend– “a cleve… Such various talent, business, jou… A pen that might some day have sen… From our greatest newspapers.”– “… All this,” I said.– “And yet he w…
(For the Irish Delegates in Aust… DO you want to hear a story, With a nobler praise than ‘glory,’ Of a man who loved the right like… hell?