Sleep not too much; nor longer tha… Within thy bed thy lazy body keep; For when thou, warm awake, shall f… Fond cogitations will assail thee… Then start up early, study, work,…
I may forget to drink, to eat, to… Remembering thee: but when I do,… In well-weighed lines, that men sh… Envy the sorrow which brought fort… May my dull understanding have the…
If thou hadst itch’d after the wil… Of common people, and hadst made t… In writing such as catch’d at pres… I should commend the thing, but no… But thou hast squared thy rules by…
Cold Virtue guard me, or I shall… From the next glance a double cale… Of fire and lust! Two flames, two… Dwell in those eyes, whose looser… Would thaw the frozen Russian int…
IT is a statute in deepe wisdomes… That for his lines none should a p… By wealth or pouerty, by lesse or… But who the same is able to peruse… Nor ought a man his labours dedica…
I sing the fortune of a luckless p… Whose spotless souls now in one bo… For beauty still is Prodromus to… Crost by the sad stars of nativity… And of the strange enchantment of…
MORTALITY, behold and fear! What a change of flesh is here! Think how many royal bones Sleep within this heap of stones: Here they lie had realms and lands…
Hear, you bad writers, and though… I will inform you where you happy… Provide the most malicious thought… And bend them all against some pri… To bring him, not his vices, on th…
When Cupid read this title, strai… ‘Wars, I perceive, against me wil… But spare, oh Love! to tax thy po… Who oft bath borne thy ensign 'gai… I am not he by whom thy mother ble…
Never more will I protest, To love a woman but in jest: For as they cannot be true, So, to give each man his due, When the wooing fit is past
Now fie on foolish love, it not be… Or man or woman know it. Love was not meant for people in t… And they that fondly show it Betray the straw, and features in…
Stand still my happiness, and swel… No more, till I consider what tho… Desire of knowledge was man’s fata… For when our parents were in parad… Though they themselves, and all th…
It is a statute in deep wisdom’s l… That for his lines none should a p… By wealth and poverty, by less or… But who the same is able to peruse… Nor ought a man his labour dedicat…
I know too well, that, no more tha… That travels through the burning d… When he is beaten with the raging… Half-smother’d with the dust, have… From a cool river, which himself d…
As unthrifts groan in straw for th… As women weep for their lost maide… When both are without hope or reme… Such an untimely grief I have for… I never saw thy face, nor did my h…