The scene is a deserted white sand beach (Sunshine Beach) we visited a few weeks ago in Dinadiawan, Aurora, Philippines. The awesome beach is about an hour north of Baler.
My first visit to the home country after my retirement.
I locked the past in a little box Hidden in a corner of my mind Around it, a yellow ribbon That someone left behind... Sometimes, I go and open it
Let us die empty Let’s take nothing to the grave E’en what we most crave Our time and talent All of our worldly treasures
center I’ve tried to find meaning in everything I see But sometimes a sunset’s just a moment to cherish...
The witches came out at noon As darkness embraced the land The sun hid behind the moon For moments there we all stand By the seashore in the dune
You never bury the dead, an old sa… For the dead stays around now and… Their memories kept alive with son… It’s a human trait; we keep on rem… She’s departed now, gone beyond th…
There’s fire and passion in his he… But frigid ice flows in his veins A cold stare; an inscrutable face… The deep emotion underneath remain… Certainly the pain forever will st…
There’s a ring of truth when said… For at that time all inhibitions g… More often we hide the truth in ba… Mindful never to offend anyone But when someone’s angry all bets…
A girl of three so full of light Our princess bright with smiles so… Her laughter warms both day and ni… Bright spark she is; can’t be deni… She talks with joy and endless gra…
Conceal your tears behind a smile Don’t cry, let no one see you swea… Keep your woes in secret exile Your biggest hurts you must forget Bury the grief that burns inside
The coral shelters algae near Its stony bed, they thrive within The algae feeds the coral clear Together, always a win-win The stork atop a buffalo
The evening breeze not as refreshi… And the silvery moon not as bright Behind dark clouds, stars are hidi… But I’m with you; so, lovely is t… When without you, something is mis…
There was once a man whose malady’… His doctor prescribed a suspicious… He complied religiously Every day consistently But then after several days, he be…
Marriage is often likened to a wor… Where husbands do all the work and… He fixes all the leaks She hits the boutiques For shopping an obsession she does…
The donkey said the grass is blue And I agreed wholeheartedly With a big grin he bid adieu Left me all alone finally With a donkey never argue
surely, self-annihilation never an acceptable solution to a life filled with sadness, of great heartaches and pain to a broken spirit, a soul unforgi…