Frances Harper


Sweet star, of seraph brightness,
That for a transient day
Shed o’er our souls such lightness,
And then withdrew the ray!
O, with immortal lustre
Thou 'rt sparkling brightly now
Amid the gems that cluster
Around Jehovah’s brow!
Yet many hearts are keeping
Lone vigils o’er thy grave,
Where all the hopes are sleeping
Which thy young promise gave.
The sleep which knows no waking
Hath closed thy sweet blue eyes,
And while our hearts are breaking
We glance toward the skies.
Ah! there a hope is given
That bids us dry the tear;
That bright star in the heaven,
With beams so wondrous clear;—
’Tis Ellen’s ‘distant Aidenn,’
Far in the realms above,
And those clear rays are laden
With her pure spirit’s love.
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