Frailan Cantu

missing her

Need to communicate

For connie......
You don’t say much to me.
How bad is it. That You Can’t say,   “hi”, and talk to me for a  minute.
   The reason why I express my words and thoughts like poets.
Just so you can feel each passionate  moment.
   If I cannot  cry salty tears today.
Expect it to soon come on it’s way. Time consuming as it can be. Laughing and running it’s quantum physics around me.
   Pain that stresses this man . Runs him down, so hard. That he will not be able to stand. If it wasn’t for God’s Glorious plan.
   Loneliness brings worried thoughts. To what price and cost. Did I get lost. To where my loneliness strikes cold to my soul and all that covers is frost.
 But your presence brings food for thought. I rather stay warn in your delightful presences.
Then to be under a cold rock, left to rot.
 But one thing for sure. God knows I appreciate her.
The one thing that will occur.
Is the love we share. We do deserve!


Day to day.
Ways to let out.
What I think about


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