My big sister Jo showed me what it’s like to live a life that’s so full and true,
That there is nothing wrong with being real and unapologetically you.
Jo taught me everything I know about mental illness and wellness,
Growing up, she was the best big sister but also drove me mad sometimes, I have to confess!
Jo always said to me, ‘Nonie, be brave’
Listening to her endless wisdom was forever my fave.
Like my big brother Niall, she was never one to conform,
To a dull 9-5 in the corporate sector or to old societal norms.
She always stayed true to herself and followed her passion,
Never lost herself to vanity or to materials and fashion.
Hackney was her home, where she could be her true creative self,
Living her life authentically, was her genuine wealth.
Tella and Reggie, Scooter and Yoyo are just a few of the dogs,
Who lit up her life, and got her through the thickest of fog.
Dogs, mental health, life, everything, she was my biggest teacher,
Of all her great assets, for me it was her best feature
Always fighting the good fight, trying to heal the generational trauma curse,
Then sit back in her infrared sauna and watch the demons disperse
It was always the little things for you like getting your bare feet on the grass,
The sun on your face, was nothing but pure class
Always so joyous and free with your doggies by the ocean,
Listening to the waves was your secret magic potion.
For all who knew Jo, she was the most talented writer,
But above all else, the most courageous fighter
In 2017, she got tired of life and tried to end it all,
I helped to nurse her back to health, until she was able to stand up tall.
Lots of therapy with Alva to achieve some much needed healing,
To break your insomnia and stop staring at the ceiling
I’ve never met anyone as stubborn and bold,
Jo is one in a million, always breaking the mould.
In the summer of 2023 our world changed forever and came crashing down,
Life will never be the same– especiallly in Hackney town
No one should have to watch someone they love in excruciating pain,
It slowly dements you, it will drive you insane.
Ovarian cancer, I hate you so very much,
Because of you, I’ve lost her sweet, gentle touch.
She did not give up a battle, she did not lose,
It’s not a path that anyone would choose.
My only solace is you’re reunited with Niall up above,
I know he’s going to look after you and just like on earth, surround you with so much love.
Please guide me through this journey of life,
Watch over me, give me strength to face the day without any strife.
The thought of life without you Jo, is a life that’s not worth living,
I’ll forever think of our precious memories together– the gift that keeps on giving.
Strength, courage and lots of laughter,
I will fight to the end, and then see you after.
I promise to dedicate the rest of my life to making you and Niall proud,
Living my authentic truth in honour of you and shouting it loud.
Life will never be the same without you Jo,
I love you so much, and I’ll never let you go