
California Waters

I stand waist deep in California waters
A familiar voice calls from the shore
A voice I know and could learn to love
A voice I’m learning to love already
He stands in orange swim trunks
Calling from the safety of the sands
To afraid of the dangers of the sea
The cold waves lap, dark and beckoning
A sad current tugs at my legs
Gently tempting at first
Then violently pulling
Pulling me harder and harder
Making the decision to let go more tempting
Digging my feet into the sand for a little longer
Do I go back to the shore
To the promise of love, the risk of pain
Or do I let myself get taken by the riptide
Leave the voice in orange swim trunks
To be, himself, taunted by the tide
The tug grows stronger
I am to weak to make it alone
I call to the voice on the shore
Hoping he will understand that I’m sorry
The waves were to strong
My feet are plucked from the sand
Taking in my last breathes I swallow salty water
I see the last light I will ever see
Accepting my fate I stop trying to fight the waves
I open my eyes
Sand sprinkles every inch of my exposed skin
Through eyes clouded by tears and saltwater I see
A voice in orange swim trunks
Dripping wet lying in the sand by my side
His chest rises and falls
I feel his large hand grasp mine
I choose the shore

Altre opere di "Fine"...
