Enlightening ever is the fact, there’s only one of you,
Though many come and go who judge, they’ll never be like you,
I’m the one, the one you love, the one you hold but true. I’m the one who lives a life, that reflects the very you!
Invisible at times it seems, but always o, so true,
Is daunting ever is my grasp, of everything that’s you,
I’m the one, the one you love, the one you hold but true. I’m the one who lives a life, that reflects the very you!
Immortal lies the count of times, I took in teaching you, through joys of life, and pains at times, I’d always stand by you,
I’m the one the mirrors do show, It’s reflection stands but true.
I’m the one, the one you see.
Then one, the me, is you.