Felicia Hemans

War-Song of the Spanish Patriots

YE who burn with glory’s flame!
Ye who love the Patriot’s fame;
Ye who scorn oppressive might,
Rise! in freedom’s cause unite;
Castilians rise!
Hark! Iberia calls, ye brave!
Haste! your bleeding country save:
Be the palm of bright renown,
Be th’ unfading laurel-crown,
The hero’s prize!
High the crimson banner wave!
Ours be conquest or the grave!
Spirits of our noble sires,
Lo! your sons, with kindred fires,
Unconquer’d glow!
See them once again advance,
Crush the pride of hostile France;
See their hearts, with ardor warm,
See them, with triumphant arm,
Repel the foe!
By the Cid’s immortal name,
By Gonsalvo’s deathless fame;
By the chiefs of former time,
By the valiant deeds sublime,
Of ancient days;
Brave Castilians! grasp the spear!
Gallant Andalusians, hear!
Glory calls you to the plain,
Future bards, in lofty strain,
Shall sing your praise!
Shades of mighty warriors dead,
Ye who nobly fought and bled;
Ye whose valor could withstand,
The savage Moor’s invading band
Untaught to yield;
Bade victorious Charlemagne,
Own the patriot-arms of Spain;
Ye, in later times renown’d,
Ye who fell with laurels crown’d,
On Pavia’s field!
Teach our hearts like yours to burn;
Lawless pow’r like you to spurn;
Teach us but like you to wield,
Freedom’s lance and Freedom’s shield
With daring might:
Tyrant! soon thy reign is o’er,
Thou shalt waste mankind no more;
Boast no more thy thousands slain,
Jena’s, or Marengo’s plain;
Lo! the sun that gilds thy day,
Soon will veil its parting ray,
In endless night!
Other works by Felicia Hemans...
