Felicia Hemans

War and Peace—A Poem

THOU, bright Futurity! whose prospect beams,
In dawning radiance on our day-light dreams;
Whose lambent meteors and ethereal forms
Gild the dark clouds, and glitter thro’ the storms;
On thy broad canvas fancy loves to trace,
Her brilliant Iris, drest in vivid grace;
Paints fair creations in celestial dyes,
Tints of the morn and blushes of the skies;
And bids her scenes perfection’s robe assume,
The mingling flush of light, and life, and bloom.
Thou bright Futurity! whose morning-star
Still beams unveil’d, unclouded, from afar;
Whose lovely vista smiling Hope surveys,
Thro’ the dim twilight of the silvery haze;
Oh! let the muse expand her wing on high,
Thy shadowy realms, thy worlds unknown descry;
Let her clear eye-beam, flashing lucid light,
Chase from thy forms th’ involving shades of night;
Pierce the dark clouds that veil thy noontide rays,
And soar, exulting, in meridian blaze!
In bliss, in grief, thy radiant scenes bestow,
The zest of rapture, or the balm of woe!
For, as the sun-flower to her idol turns,
Glows in his noon, and kindles as he burns;
Expands her bosom to th’ exalting fire,
Lives but to gaze, and gazes to admire;
E’en so to thee, the mind incessant flies,
From thy pure source the fount of joy supplies;
And steals from thee the sunny light that throws
A brighter blush on pleasure’s living rose!
To thee pale sorrow turns her eye of tears,
Lifts the dim curtain of unmeasur’d years;
And hails thy promis’d land, th’ Elysian shore,
Where weeping virtue shall bewail no more!
Now, while the sounds of martial wrath assail,
While the red banner floats upon the gale;
While dark destruction, with his legion-bands,
Waves the bright sabre o’er devoted lands;
While war’s dread comet flashes thro’ the air,
And fainting nations tremble at the glare;
To thee, Futurity! from scenes like these,
Pale fancy turns, for heav’n-imparted ease;
Turns to behold, in thy unclouded skies,
The orb of peace in bright perspective rise;
And pour around, with joy-diffusing ray,
Life, light, and glory, in a flood of day!
Thou, whose lov’d presence and benignant smile
Has beam’d effulgence on this favour’d isle;
Thou! the fair seraph, in immortal state,
Thron’d on the rainbow, heaven’s emblazon’d gate;
Thou! whose mild whispers in the summer-breeze
Control the storm, and undulate the seas;
Spirit of mercy! oh! return, to bring
Palm in thy wreath, and “healing on thy wing!”
Compose each passion to th’ eternal will,
Say to the hurricane of war,—"Be still!”
“Vengeance, expire! thy reign, ambition, cease!
Beam, light of heaven! triumphant star of peace!”
Is this the muse’s wild, illusive dream,
An airy picture, an ideal theme?
Shall death still ride victorious o’er the slain,
And his “pale charges” desolate the plain?
Ne’er shall revenge her vulture-pinion fold,
Close her dark eye, her lightning-arm withhold?”
Still must oppression cause th’ eternal strife,
And breathe dire mildew o’er the blooms of life?
Must war still ravage with his car of fire,
And victim myriads in the blaze expire?
Supernal Pow’r! on suffering earth look down,
Tyrannic might shall perish in thy frown!
Oh! deign to speed that blest, appointed time,
When peace and faith shall smile on ev’ry clime!
But first in clouds, the dark, eventful day
Of wrath, avenging wrath! must roll away!
Thy sword, oh, Justice! o’er the world must wave,
Ere mercy dawn, to triumph and to save!
Shades of the prophet-bards! majestic train,
Who seiz’d the harp from Inspiration’s fane,
And, fir’d, and guided by divine control,
Woke ev’ry chord to rapture and to soul!
Shades of the prophet-bards! in days of old,
Whose gifted hands the leaf of fate unroll’d;
Whose prescient eyes, undimm’d by age or tears,
Explor’d the avenue of distant years;
Did those blest eyes th’ enchanted scene survey,
Of smiling concord’s universal sway?
And did your hearts with joy exulting burn,
To see her Paradise on earth return?
Yes! hallow’d seers! to you the bliss was given,
To read, unveil’d, the dread decrees of heaven!
You saw th’ oppressor’s might in judgment hurl’d,
A storm of vengeance on the guilty world!
Beheld his throne revers’d, his empire past,
And peace and joy descend, serene, at last!
So when impetuous winds forget to rave,
And sun-set radiance trembles o’er the wave;
Sweet Eve, advancing o’er the summer-deep,
Charms every billow, ev’ry breeze, to sleep!
Dawn, age of bliss! but e’er thy morn shall rise,
And waft a train of cherubs from the skies;
The foes of man, who mark their deathful way,
With tears of blood, and earthquakes of dismay;
These, these must fall, a desolating band,
Fall by the darts in Retribution’s hand;
And tyrants vanquish’d, humbled in the dust,
Kneel at her shrine, and own the sentence just!
Then wave, oh, Albion! wave thy sword again,
Call thy brave champions to the battle-plain!
Rise, might of nations! ardent to oppose
The rushing torrent of unpitying foes!
Soon shall they own that freedom’s cause inspires,
Undaunted spirit and resistless fires!
Rise! all combin’d, “in arms, in heart, the same,”
The arms of honor and the heart of flame!
Nor check th’ avenging sword, the patriot-spear;
Till stern Ambition falls, in mid career!
Then let the falchion sleep, the combat cease,
The sun of conquest light the path of peace!
Let the green laurel with the palm entwine,
And rear on trophies bright, her firm, eternal shrine!
Dawn, age of bliss! the wounds of discord close,
Furl the red standard, bid the sword repose!
Then o’er the globe let worshipp’d freedom smile,
Bright as in Albion’s truth-illumin’d isle!
Her Grecian temple rear on every shore,
Where every knee shall bend and heart adore!
Queen of the valiant arm, the warrior-breast,
Light of the ocean! day-star of the west!
Oh! Albion! Liberty’s immortal fane,
Empress of isles! palladium of the main!
Tho’ thy loud thunders thro’ the world resound,
Tho’ thy red lightnings flash victorious round;
Tho’ nations own, in many a distant clime,
Thy arm triumphant, as thy name sublime;
Rock of the waves! tho’ proud, from zone to zone,
Extend the pillars of thy naval throne;
Around thy coast tho’ wild destruction roars,
Yet calm and fertile smile thy favor’d shores;
In emerald verdure blooms thy sunny plain,
And the dark war-blast rolls without—in vain!
Tho’ flames of valor, kindling in thine eye,
Brave every storm, and every foe defy;
Yet soft, beneath its milder beam, serene,
Luxuriance blossoms o’er the glowing scene;
Fair laugh thy vales! no deathful sounds assail,
Mirth warbles free, and music swells the gale;
While firm in might, thy victor-arm extends,
Death to thy foes, and succour to thy friends!
Thus potent Prospero’s creative spell
Bade the wild surge in mountain-fury swell;
Call’d up the spirits of the raging deep,
Arous’d the whirlwind, o’er the waves to sweep;
But on th’ enchanted isle, his fair domain,
Rais’d the bright vision of the sylphid train;
And bade soft notes, and fairy-warbled airs,
Melt o’er the sense, and lull corroding cares!
Yet, Queen of Isles! tho’ peace, with angel-form,
Smile on thy cliffs, regardless of the storm;
Favor’d of heaven! e’en thou, tho’ distant far,
Hast wept the horrors of relentless war;
E’en thou hast mourn’d o’er many a hero’s bier,
Grac’d with thy laurels, hallow’d with thy tear!
For those whose arms, whose blood preserv’d thee free,
(Who would not bleed, O peerless isle! for thee?)
For those who, falling on their subject-wave,
Made the dark billow glory’s proudest grave;
How oft has anguish taught thy tears to flow,
Thy sighs, despondence, and thine accents, woe!
Yes! thou hast mourn’d the brave, illustrious dead,
Martyrs for thee, by faith and valor led!
When he, the warrior of the patriot-glow,
Whose ebbing life-blood stain’d Canadian snow;
When thy own Wolfe, by all thy spirit fir’d,
Triumphant fought, exulted, and expir’d;
Gave to thy fame the last, the lingering breath,
The joy in agony, the smile in death,
How swell’d thy heart with blended feeling’s tide,
How sorrow paled the kindling cheek of pride!
And the bright garland, purchas’d by his doom,
Seem’d half despoil’d, and withering in its bloom!
Yes! when thy Nelson, matchless in the fight,
Bade nations own thee of resistless might;
And pouring on their heads destruction’s flame,
Clos’d in its dreadful blaze a life of fame;
When the red star of conquest and of pow’r
Beam’d in full zenith on his parting hour;
Dispers’d the shadows of surrounding gloom,
And shed meridian lustre—on his tomb;
Then the sad tears which mourn’d thy gallant son,
Dimm’d the fair trophies by his prowess won;
Then patriot-sighs and consecrated grief,
Embalm’d the memory of th’ undaunted chief;
Pale, weeping victory tore her laurel-crown,
And tun’d to sorrow’s dirge the clarion of renown!
And thou, firm leader of th’ intrepid host,
Which brav’d each peril on Iberia’s coast,
Thy name, oh, Moore! thro’ long, succeeding years,
Shall claim the tribute of thy country’s tears!
Oh! firm in faith, in countless dangers prov’d,
In spirit lofty, and by death unmov’d!
Thine was the towering soul, disdaining fear,
And fatal valor, clos’d thy bright career!
Illustrious Leader! in that hour of fate,
When hope and terror near the suff’rer wait;
When the pale cheek and fading eye proclaim
The last, long struggle of the trembling frame;
When the fierce death-pang vibrates every sense,
And fainting nature shudders in suspense;
E’en then thy bosom felt the patriot-flame,
Still beat the quivering pulse at Albion’s name!
In that dread hour thy thoughts to Albion flew,
Thy parting thrill of life, thy latest throb was true!
Illustrious Leader! on that awful day,
When war and horror frown’d, in dark array;
When vengeance wav’d her fire-flag o’er the slain,
And carnage hover’d o’er Corunna’s plain;
Faint with fatigue and streaming with their blood,
How nobly firm thy band of heroes stood!
’Twas their’s unmov’d, unconquer’d, to oppose
Pain, famine, danger, and unnumber’d foes!
Nor toil, nor want, nor sickness then subdu’d,
The “Lion-heart” of British fortitude!
E’en then those humbled foes their might deplor’d,
And own’d that conquest wav’d Britannia’s sword!
E’en then they fought, intrepid, undismay’d,
Death in their charge and lightning on their blade!
Yes! warrior-band! by noblest ardor led,
True to the last, ye triumph’d while ye bled!
Serene in pain, exulting 'midst alarms,
Bold, firm, invincible, your matchless arms!
Then Freedom rear’d her victor-flag on high,
Glow’d in each heart and flash’d from every eye;
England! thy glory every bosom swell’d,
England! thy spirit every arm impell’d!
MOORE! thy bright sun in fame, in victory set,
Tho’ dimm’d with tears, tho’ clouded with regret!
Yet shall thy trophies rear, to distant time,
High on thy native shore a Cenotaph sublime.
But, ah! bold Victory! can thy festal train,
Thy purple streamers, or thy choral strain;
Can thy proud spear, in wreaths immortal drest,
Thy radiant panoply, thy wavy crest;
Can these one grief, one bosom-pang beguile,
Or teach despair one heart-reviving smile?
Tint the pale cheek with pleasure’s mantling hue,
Light the dim eye with joy and lustre new?
Or check one sigh, one sad, yet fruitless tear,
Fond love devotes to martyr’d valor’s bier?
Lo! where, with pallid look and suppliant hands,
Near the cold urn th’ imploring mother stands!
Fix’d is her eye, her anguish cannot weep!
There all her hopes with youthful virtue sleep!
There sleeps the son, whose op’ning years display’d
Each flatt’ring promise, doom’d so soon to fade.
Too brave, too ardent, on the field he fell,
Fame hover’d near, and Conquest rung his knell.
But could their pomp console her wounded breast,
Dispel one sigh, or lull one care to rest?
Ah! suff’ring Parent! fated still to mourn,
Ah! wounded heart!—he never shall return.
He fell!—that eye of soft and varying ray,
Where warm expression kindled into day;
Where ardor sparkled, where affection beam’d,
And youth and hope in living lustre stream’d;
That voice belov’d, whose bliss-imparting-tone,
Bade her fond heart its thrilling magic own;
That mantling cheek, where animation glow’d,
Spread the rich bloom, the vivid flush bestow’d;
That brilliant eye is clos’d in shades of night,
That voice is hush’d, that cheek no longer bright!
’Twas her’s, when hope one meteor-beam had giv’n,
(Fair form of light! sweet fugitive of heav’n!)
To see dark clouds obscure the rainbow-dream,
Watch its pale sun-set, and its closing gleam!
To see the last, the lingering bliss depart,
The lonely Day-star of her widow’d heart!
He fell!—her woe, her soul-consuming grief,
Mourns in no language, seeks for no relief;
Forbids the mind in sympathy to glow,
The voice to murmur, and the tear to flow;
But deep within, enshrin’d in silent sway,
Dwells on each nerve—and withers life away!
Or see you Orphan-maid, in beauty’s bloom,
Fair lovely mourner o’er a Father’s tomb!
For him, far distant on the battle-plain,
She pray’d, and wish’d, and wept—alas!—in vain!
No tender friend receiv’d his parting breath,
No filial sweetness cheer’d the hour of death—
For, ah! when nature most demands to share
The smile of tenderness, the hand of care;
E’en then, deserted on the field, he bled,
Unknown, unmark’d, his gallant spirit fled!
Lo! where she weeps forlorn, in anguish lost,
A frail Mimosa, blighted by the frost!
Who now shall guard the blossom of her youth,
The gem of innocence, the flower of truth?
Sweet hapless Maid! thy only friend is gone,
Hope lingering smiles, and points to heav’n alone!
Ah! who can tell the thousands doom’d to moan,
Condemn’d by war, to hopeless grief unknown!
Thou, laureate Victor! when thy blazon’d shield,
Wears the proud emblems of the conquer’d field;
When trophies glitter on thy radiant car,
And thronging myriads hail thee from afar;
When praise attunes her spirit-breathing lyre,
Swells every tone, wakes every chord of fire;
Then could thine eyes each drooping mourner see,
Behold each hopeless anguish, caus’d by thee;
Hear, for each measure of the votive strain,
The rending sigh that murmurs o’er the slain;
See, for each banner fame and victory wave,
Some sufferer bending o’er a soldier’s grave;
How would that scene, with grief and horror fraught,
Chill the warm glow, and check th’ exulting thought!
E’en in that hour, that gay, triumphal hour,
‘Midst the bright pageants of applause and pow’r;
When at thy name th’ adoring Pæans rise,
And waft thy deeds in incense to the skies;
Fame in thine eyes, would veil her towering plume,
And victory’s laurels lose their fairest bloom!
Power of the ruthless arm, the deathful spear,
Unmov’d, unpitying, in thy dread career;
Whom no sad cries, no mournful scenes impede,
Melt thy proud heart, or curb thy lightning-speed;
Around whose throne malignant spirits wait,
Whose path is ruin, and whose arm is fate!
Stern, dark Ambition! Typhon of the world!
Thine are the darts, o’er man in vengeance hurl’d!
’Tis thine, where nature smiles with young delight,
With fiery wing, to spread Oppression’s blight;
To blast the realms with rich profusion crown’d,
Like the dire Upas, tainting all around!
Thus o’er the southern climes, luxuriant lands,
Where spreads the olive, where the vine expands;
The dread volcano bids the torrent sweep,
Rolls the fierce lava burning down the steep;
Life, beauty, verdure, fated to destroy,
Blast every bloom, and wither every joy!
Sweet orange-groves, with fruits and blossoms fair,
Which breath’d the soul of fragrance on the air;
Vineyards that blush’d, with mantling clusters grac’d,
Gay domes, erected by the hand of taste;
These mingled all in one resistless fire,
Flame to the skies, fair nature’s funeral pyre!
Ambition! vainly wouldst thou gild thy name,
With specious rays of conquest and of fame;
Truth waves her wand! from her all-piercing eye,
From her Ithuriel-spear, thy glories fly!
In vain to thee may suppliant mercy kneel,
Plead with soft voice, and deprecate the steel!
Look up, with seraph-eye, in tears benign,
Smile thro’ each tear, with eloquence divine;
In vain implore thee to relent and spare,
With cherub-mien and soul-dissolving pray’r:
Lost are those accents of melodious charms,
‘Midst the loud clangor of surrounding arms;
Thy heart of adamant repels the strain,
Mercy! thy pray’r, thy tear, thy hope, is vain!
But can remorse, despotic pow’r! prevail,
And wound thy bosom thro’ the “twisted mail?”
Say, can his frown, by shudd’ring conscience felt,
Pierce the dark soul which mercy cannot melt?
No, tyrant! no, when conquest points thy way,
And lights thy track—the blood-path of dismay;
E’en then his darts, tho’ barb’d with fiery pain,
Fall from thy woundless heart, averted by disdain!
Pow’r of the ruthless arm! we see thy form,
Tow’r 'midst the darkness of the gath’ring storm;
We see thy sabre with portentous blaze,
Flash o’er the nations, trembling as they gaze;
And lo! we hear thine awful voice resound,
While fear and wonder faint, thro’ empires round:
“Realms of the globe, submit! adore my pow’r!
Mine the red falchion, practis’d to devour!
Mine, dark destruction’s torch of lucid light,
Mine, her keen scymitar’s resistless might!
Chiefs! patriots! heroes! kneeling at my shrine,
Your arms, your laurels, and your fame, resign!
Bend, ye proud isles! my dread behest obey!
Yield, prostrate nations! and confess my sway!
Lo! the bright ensigns of supreme command,
Flame on my brow, and glitter in my hand!
Lo! at my throne what vanquish’d myriads wait,
My look, decision! and my sceptre, fate!
Ye lands, ye monarchs! bow the vassal-knee!
World, thou art mine! and I alone am free;
For who shall dare, with dauntless heart advance,
Rouse my dread arm, and brave my potent lance?”
Relentless pow’r! thy deeds from age to age,
Stain the fair annals of th’ impartial page!
O’er the mild beam of order, silvery bright,
Long have thy votaries pour’d the clouds of night,
And chang’d the loveliest realms, where plenty smil’d,
To the lone desert and abandon’d wild!
Ye western regions of a brighter zone,
Ye lands that bow’d at Montezuma’s throne;
Where vivid nature wears the richest dyes,
Matur’d to glory by exalting skies;
Scenes of luxuriance! o’er your blooming pride,
How ruin swept the desolating tide!
When the fierce Cortes pour’d his faithless train,
O’er the gay treasures of your fervid reign;
Taught the pure streams with crimson stains to flow,
Made the rich vales a wilderness of woe!
And swell’d each breeze of soft, ambrosial air,
With cries of death and murmurs of despair!
Peruvian realms! where wealth resplendent shines,
Thron’d in full glory, 'midst your diamond mines;
Where vegetation spreads her brightest hues,
Nurs’d by soft airs, and balm-descending dews;
Where all his beams, the worshipp’d sun bestows,
And Flora’s empire to perfection glows;
O’er your gay plains, ambition spread alarms,
[In the original copy, this and following two lines connected in right margin by large brace]
When stern Pizarro rush’d with conquering arms,
Despoil’d your wealth, and ravag’d all your charms!
Ferocious leader! his aspiring soul,
Nor fear could tame, nor social ties control!
Ardent and firm, in countless dangers bold,
Dark—savage—fierce—to faith, to mercy—cold!
Then was the sword to dire oppression giv’n,
Her vulture-wing obscur’d the light of heav’n!
Thro’ many a plantain-shade, and cedar-grove,
Where the blest Indian caroll’d joy and love;
The war-note swell’d upon the zephyr’s calm,
The wood-nymph, Peace, forsook her bow’rs of palm!
And Freedom fled, to Andes’ heights unknown,
Majestic Solitude’s primæval throne!
Where Echo sleeps, in loneliness profound,
Hears not a step, nor quivers at a sound!
Yet there the genius of eternal snows,
Mark’d far beneath, a scene of death disclose!
Saw the red combat raging on the plain,
Heard the deep dirge that murmur’d o’er the slain!
While stern Ambition wak’d th’ exulting cry,
And wav’d his blazing torch, and meteor-flag, on high!
Yet, ah! not there, vindictive pow’r! alone,
Has lawless carnage rear’d thy towering throne;
For Europe’s polish’d realms, thro’ every age,
Have mourn’d thy triumphs and bewail’d thy rage!
Tho’ soft refinement there, o’er ev’ry land,
Spread the mild empire of her silver wand;
Erect supreme, her light Corinthian fane,
Tune the sweet lyre, and modulate the strain;
Tho’ Genius there, on Rapture’s pinions soar,
And worlds of ether and of fire, explore;
There, tho’ Religion smile with seraph-eye,
And shed her gifts, like manna, from the sky;
While Faith and Hope, exulting in her sight,
Pour the full noon of glory’s living light;
There still Ambition bids his victims bleed,
Still rolls his whirlwind, with destructive speed!
Still in his flame, devoted realms consume,
Fled is their smile and wither’d is their bloom!
With every charm has Nature’s lavish hand
Adorn’d, sweet Italy! thy favor’d land!
There Summer laughs, with glowing aspect fair,
Unfolds her tints, and “waves her golden hair;”
Bids her light sylphs delicious airs convey,
On their soft pinions, waving as they play;
O’er cluster’d grapes, the lucid mantle throw,
And spread gay life in one empurpling glow?
Paint all the rainbow on perennial flow’rs,
And shed exuberance o’er thy myrtle-bow’rs!
Verdure in ev’ry shade thy woods display,
Where soft gradations melt in light away!
And vernal sweets, in rich profusion blow,
E’en 'midst the reign of solitude and snow!
Yet what avail the bright ambrosial stores,
Which gay redundance o’er thy region pours?
Devoted land! from long-departed time,
The chosen theatre of war and crime!
What tho’ for thee transcendent suns arise,
The myrtle blossoms, and the zephyr sighs;
What tho’ for thee again Arcadia blooms,
And cloudless radiance all thy realm illumes;
There still has Rapine seiz’d her yielding prey,
There still Oppression spreads th’ unbounded sway;
There oft has War each blooming charm effac’d,
And left the glowing vale, a bleak, deserted waste!
Is there a land, where halcyon peace has reign’d,
From age to age, in glory unprofan’d?
Has dwelt serenely in perpetual rest,
“Heav’n in her eye,” and mercy in her breast?
Ah, no! from clime to clime, with ruthless train,
Has war still ravag’d o’er the blasted plain!
His lofty banner to the winds unfurl’d,
And swept the storm of vengeance o’er the world!
Yet, oh! stern GOD! if ever conscious right,
If ever justice arm’d thee for the fight;
If e’er fair truth approv’d thy dread career,
Smil’d on thy track and curb’d thy deathful spear;
Now may the generous heart exulting see,
Those righteous powers in amity with thee!
For never, never, in a holier cause,
Nor sanction’d e’er by purer, nobler laws;
Has Albion seiz’d the sabre and the shield,
Or rush’d impetuous to th’ ensanguin’d field!
Oh! when that cause triumphant shall prevail,
And Freedom’s foes her ark no more assail;
Then might thy smile, sweet Peace! thy angel-form,
Beam thro’ the clouds, and tranquillize the storm!
Lo! to the Muse’s bright, prophetic eyes,
What scenes unfold! what radiant visions rise!
See hand in hand, and wafted from above,
Celestial Mercy, and angelic love!
Lo! from the regions of the morning-star,
Descending seraphs bear their sun-bright car!
‘High the peaceful streamers wave!
’Lo!’ they sing, ‘we come to save!
’Come to smile on ev’ry shore,
‘Truth and Eden to restore!
’Come, the balm of joy to bring,
‘Borne on softest gales of spring!
’Rapture! swell the choral voice,
‘Favor’d earth! rejoice, rejoice!
‘Now the work of death is o’er,
‘Sleep, thou sword! to wake no more!
’Never more Ambition’s hand
‘Shall wave thee o’er a trembling land!
‘Never more, in hopeless anguish,
’Caus’d by thee, shall virtue languish!
‘Rapture! swell the choral voice,
’Favor’d earth, rejoice, rejoice!
‘Cease to flow, thou purple flood,
’Cease to fall, ye tears of blood!
‘Swell no more the clarion’s breath,
‘Wake no more the song of death!
’Rise, ye hymns of concord, rise,
‘Incense, worthy of the skies!
’Wake the Pæan, tune the voice,
‘Favor’d earth, rejoice, rejoice!
‘Nature, smile! thy vivid grace,
’Now no more shall war deface;
‘Airs of spring, oh! sweetly breathe,
’Summer! twine thy fairest wreath!
‘Not the warrior’s bier to spread,
‘Not to crown the victor’s head;
‘But with flowers of every hue,
’Love and mercy’s path to strew!
‘Swell to heaven the choral voice,
’Favor’d earth! rejoice, rejoice!
‘Sleep, Ambition! rage, expire!
’Vengeance! fold thy wing of fire!
‘Close thy dark and lurid eye,
’Bid thy torch, forsaken, die!
‘Furl thy banner, waving proud,
’Dreadful as the thunder-cloud!
‘Shall destruction blast the plain?
’Shall the falchion rage again?
‘Shall the sword thy bands dissever?
’Never, sweet Affection! never!
‘As the halcyon o’er the ocean,
‘Lulls the billow’s wild commotion,
‘So we bid dissension cease.
’Bloom, O Amaranth of peace!
‘Twine the spear with vernal roses!
’Now the reign of discord closes!
‘Goddess of th’ unconquer’d isles,
‘Freedom! triumph in our smiles!
’Blooming youth, and wisdom hoary,
‘Bards of fame, and sons of glory;
’Albion! pillar of the main!
‘Monarchs! nations! join the strain!
’Swell to heav’n th’ exulting voice;
‘Mortals, triumph! earth, rejoice!’
Oh! blissful song! and shall thy notes resound,
While joy and wonder bend entranc’d around?
And shall thy music float on every breeze,
Melt on the shores and warble o’er the seas?
Oh! mercy! love! ambassadors of heav’n!
And shall your sunshine to mankind be giv’n?
Hope! is thy tale a visionary theme?
Oh! smile, supernal pow’r! and realize the dream!
And thou, the radiant messenger of truth,
Deck’d with perennial charms, unfading youth!
Oh! thou, whose pinions as they wave, diffuse
All Hybla’s fragrance and all Hermon’s dews;
Thou! in whose cause have martyrs died serene,
In soul triumphant, and august in mien!
Oh! bright Religion! spread thy spotless robe,
Salvation’s mantle, o’er a guilty globe!
Oh! let thine ark, where’er the billows roll,
Borne on their bosom, float from pole to pole!
Each distant isle and lonely coast explore,
And bear the olive-branch to ev’ry shore!
Come, Seraph! come: fair pity in thy train,
Shall sweetly breathe her soul-dissolving strain;
While her blue eyes thro’ tears benignly beam,
Soft as the moon-light, quivering on the stream!
Come, Seraph! come, around thy form shall play,
Diffusive glories of celestial day!
Oh! let each clime thy noon of lustre share,
And rapture hail the perfect and the fair!
Let peace on earth resound from heav’n once more,
And angel-harps th’ exulting anthems pour;
While faith, and truth, and holy wisdom bind,
One hallow’d zone—to circle all mankind!
Autres oeuvres par Felicia Hemans...
