Felicia Hemans

Sonnet, for my Mother’s Birthday

AT thy approach, oh, sweet bewitching May!
Through ev’ry wood soft melodies resound;
On silken wings Favonian breezes play,
And scatter bloom and fragrance all around!
Yet not for these I hail thy gentle reign,
And rove enchanted through thy fairy bow’rs;
Not for thy warbled songs, thy zephyr-train,
Nor all the incense of thy glowing flow’rs.
For this to thee I pour the artless lay,
Oh, lovely May! thou goddess of the grove!
With thee returns the smiling natal day,
Of her, who claims my fond, my filial love!
Bright as thy sun-beams may it still appear,
Calm as thy skies, unclouded with a tear!
Altre opere di Felicia Hemans...
