Ezra Pound

The Charge of the Bread Brigade

Half a loaf, half a loaf,
Half a loaf? Urn-hum?
Down through the vale of gloom
Slouched the ten million,
Onward th’ 'ungry blokes,
Crackin’ their smutty jokes!
We’ll send 'em mouchin’ 'ome,
Damn the ten million!
There goes the night brigade,
They got no steady trade,
Several old so’jers know
Monty has blunder’d.
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to buy the pie,
Slouching and mouching,
Lousy ten million!
Plenty to right of ‘em,
Plenty to left of ’em,
Yes, wot is left of ‘em,
Damn the ten million.
Stormed at by press and all,
How shall we dress ’em all?
Glooming and mouching!
See ‘em go slouching there,
With cowed and crouching air
Dundering dullards!
How the whole nation shook
While Milord Beaverbrook
Fed ’em with hogwash!
Autres oeuvres par Ezra Pound...
