Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was one of the most significant American authors of the Twentieth century . His novels and short fictions have left an indelible mark on the literary production of the United States and the world. Although most often remembered for his economical and understated fiction, he was also a noted journalist. In 1954, Ernest Hemingway was awarded the Novel Prize in Literature. Hemingway is also known for his heroic, adventurous and often stereotypically “manly” public persona. The myth he cultivated of himself as a man of action aided the important Modernist reading of many of his works.
Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was one of the most significant American authors of the Twentieth century . His novels and short fictions have left an indelible mark on the literary production of the United States and the world. Although most often remembered for his economical and understated fiction, he was also a noted journalist. In 1954, Ernest Hemingway was awarded the Novel Prize in Literature. Hemingway is also known for his heroic, adventurous and often stereotypically “manly” public persona. The myth he cultivated of himself as a man of action aided the important Modernist reading of many of his works.
he you said with out they all up had there jack down bull back not manuel them one she from got went what about but go man then came right into good over when get looked like just says can going very through asked know two come old would did been time could off want if around nick now after any george some zurito soldier see big too way where put john sat little room never table hogan head girl night well looking boy how face hand long say sure who your walcott retana only other door road yes while side three along hell under horse day here took take will their stood because left away again saw across young think walked toward another anything something against town ever wife front tell look men started let much felt make sleep jim things thought father dark oh guy drink cape more water gone ve before eyes muleta wall always people pretty nothing better train forward sword lot coming standing hands thing must crowd sitting kitchen house nice bed white bright feel everything sun brought morning light lady lay cut passed major five street himself inside knew waiter joe peduzzi talk ring couldn though still every talking ain turned st held first made campbell american outside give leaned kid open woman love beside eat running heard window holding called hear cold really won car fine many place max wouldn liz close behind stopped great feet red william sheet same seen once legs horses hard mr watching bottle mrs wine read clock listen doctor last hot both dead home black hernandez remember four wind swung together getting half work why pulled being sometimes indian money bad roman turner gentleman shut watched maybe smiled barrera wanted straight far billy couple stuff glass trees smith funny riding ran each kill keep try garner jerry paris stay signor between used new next sand everybody ought than done cook pic leaning shoulder mean boys arms charged picador counter mind liked body moved country sort sexton innkeeper fight chair walking until hit shot tight drunk stop arm tried finally end andreson worry horns fuentes kzar minutes opened stepped wagon heavy damn stand even corner rain shit ole idea papers girls show pocket glasses hat which charge friend without saying poured fast warm paper handed pinin comes tall lunch anyway course high start walk short clear past hospital horn awful followed ahead times dirty doesn tired life gypsy sea plenty snow drank hour g priest brown pass please waiting sick gets quite watch enough taking seller spread race afraid sleeping seven eating below might station told garden fifty lights spoke quiet guess cars uncle sit clean does democracy find trouble found hotel nigger beer banderillos happy office makes hill taken lying ate seemed full shook point glad married carrying fire bay gave pull picked such early doing fall war bill eggs line peasant carl morgan steinfelt spezia twenty bags nights reached capes use weight eye maisons porch stream fixed worms marsala aint different run neck italy onto milan flat machine caught hung kept adjutant talked feeling sorry jumped trying indians except woods somebody killed easy thinking finished believe yourself nose air facing wood goes clothes low rope play hello soon coat maera shouted houses bought bunch best river climbed kids working haven should bring blood post hills days bunk rode lovely blue leave fart monument quarter café knows above awake referee silk small knocked arc morrow coffee grass hundred third sweat most regular kircubbin italian ten fishing bank wore noticed fish ask yet pushed lifted move asleep gate grabbed ag six moving machines second smoke carefully lake myself making dear afternoon world whole stiff yellow tenente hut freedman simple waved suitcase arena call name voice mother smooth guys jock stone empty trout difference slept mouth book sam near top stayed understand wrote drove anybody hold worked doorway laughed turn sharp edge boat either years died boots floor ride few women supper marry friends frank ezra listened care perfectly curtain maggiore chance wide manolo matter round looks cross towel tables drinking fence week thousand track swell aren cloth piombo sight missed paid covered beyond since villalta cuadrilla rods beautiful kind starting bottles lose box frightened blew dressing having lamp tree perhaps loved thank chicago seat pants letter die soldiers olz ropes restaurant gloves ham afterward medals takes fellows burlesque sliding fellow manager fingers electric desk muzzle tossed critic hey case double pair fat gang ready hook drinks lira often fun stairs hunting shop lost fool loose shoulders leather folded happened knee trip cool spring grand shade knees waited keeping bulls further carried stove game tipped wet camp breakfast worried tail sore wonderful sunday instead nobody write heart tongue jammed almost wooden stuck burned cure gentlemen pillow dollars cribbage bicycle bananas although walls bag thanks streets slide lips rising quit ground chest manos applause driving slowly language turns english mountains bar field twice bell win speak slow jump wop gillford own none part amused wish bait note catch barn hurt straightened hair rose cap dropped smaller suppose drew wrapped known answer bumped shone downstairs shoot forty till solid mud fields handkerchief began nine nickie wants baby christ rest lived ball death pay alone longer dust letters somewhere skiing lewis farm asks rounds bruce bathrobe certainly fruit meal shotgun valley tracks remembered shield fix tied worth plate lit crossed showed shape piece saucer seats swinging spreading centre fighters president raised offered brandy heraldo beating dressed heads kidding given streams taxi free send wiped bet length beat sweating meant jumps san french winner cause holbrook gee stable gardner wearing lean pointing breath lire steps daughter dialect follow caro main ways faced carry forth shirt liquor family dinner touched else deep city seem jug whiskey hanging derby steel drop laid larger listening swing moment bridle travelling others meet genoa living states job wops upstairs absolutely leg awfully crying lift dad rolled bitch bent blankets need dry minute damned splintered buy boxing motor fighting nor ...