The wisdom of the world said unto… ‘_Go forth and run, the race is to… Perchance some honour tarrieth for… ‘As tarrieth,’ I said, ‘for sure,… For I had pondered on a rune of r…
Little lady of my heart! Just a little longer, Love me: we will pass and part, Ere this love grow stronger. I have loved thee, Child! too wel…
All the moon-shed nights are over, And the days of gray and dun; There is neither may nor clover, And the day and night are one. Not an hamlet, not a city
By the pale marge of Acheron, Me thinks we shall pass restfully, Beyond the scope of any sun. There all men hie them one by one, Far from the stress of earth and s…
Tears fall within mine heart, As rain upon the town: Whence does this languor start, Possessing all mine heart? O sweet fall of the rain
Erewhile, before the world was old… When violets grew and celandine, In Cupid’s train we were enrolled… Erewhile! Your little hands were clasped in…
Beyond the need of weeping, Beyond the reach of hands, May she be quietly sleeping, In what dim nebulous lands? Ah, she who understands!
We have walked in Love’s land a l… We have learnt his lesson a little… And shall we not part at the end o… With a sigh, a smile? A little while in the shine of the…
Love’s aftermath! I think the tim… That we must gather in, alone, apa… The saddest crop of all the crops… Love’s aftermath. Ah, sweet,—sweet yesterday, the te…
See how the trees and the osiers l… Are green bedecked and the woods a… The meadows have donned their cape… The air is soft with the sweet Ma… And the birds make melody:
There comes an end to summer, To spring showers and hoar rime; His mumming to each mummer Has somewhere end in time, And since life ends and laughter,
Ah, Manon, say, why is it we Are one and all so fain of thee? Thy rich red beauty debonnaire In very truth is not more fair, Than the shy grace and purity
I was always a lover of ladies’ ha… Or ever mine heart came here to tr… For the sake of your carved white… The tapering fingers, the dainty w… The hands of a girl were what I k…
Because I am idolotrous and have… With grievous supplication and con… The admirable image that my love h… Out of her swan’s neck and her dar… The jealous gods who brook no wors…
Let be at last; give over words an… Vainly were all things said: Better at last to find a place for… Only dead. Silence were best, with songs and…