A song of the setting sun! The sky in the west is red, And the day is all but done: While yonder up overhead, All too soon,
Little lady of my heart! Just a little longer, Love me: we will pass and part, Ere this love grow stronger. I have loved thee, Child! too wel…
Exceeding sorrow Consumeth my sad heart! Because to-morrow We must depart, Now is exceeding sorrow
All the moon-shed nights are over, And the days of gray and dun; There is neither may nor clover, And the day and night are one. Not an hamlet, not a city
Love’s aftermath! I think the tim… That we must gather in, alone, apa… The saddest crop of all the crops… Love’s aftermath. Ah, sweet,—sweet yesterday, the te…
WITH HIS SONGS AND HE… Violets and leaves of vine, Into a frail, fair wreath We gather and entwine: A wreath for Love to wear,
Strange grows the river on the sun… The river comforts me, grown spect… Long was the day; at last the cons… _Sufficient for the day are the da… Labour and longing and despair the…
What is Love? Is it a folly, Is it mirth, or melancholy? Joys above, Are there many, or not any?
By the sad waters of separation Where we have wandered by divers w… I have but the shadow and imitatio… Of the old memorial days. In music I have no consolation,
Goddess the laughter-loving, Aphr… Long have I served thine altars,… Let me have peace of thee, truce o… Heart of my heart have I offered… Yielding my life for the love of t…
Why is there in the least touch of… More grace than other women’s lips… If love is but a slave in fleshly… Of flesh to flesh, wherever love m… Why choose vain grief and heavy-he…
Come hither, child, and rest, This is the end of day, Behold the weary West! Sleep rounds with equal zest Man’s toil and children’s play,
Here, where the breath of the scen… sun-stained air, On a steep hill-side, on a grassy… and heard Only the faint breeze pass in a wh…
Love wine and beauty and the sprin… While wine is red and spring is he… And through the almond blossoms ri… The dove-like voices of thy Dear. Love wine and spring and beauty wh…
I seek no more to bridge the gulf… Betwixt our separate ways; For vainly my heart prays, Hope droops her head and dies; I see the sad, tired answer in you…