457 Sweet—safe—Houses—Glad—gay—House… Sealed so stately tight— Lids of Steel—on Lids of Marble— Locking Bare feet out—
363 I went to thank Her— But She Slept— Her Bed—a funneled Stone— With Nosegays at the Head and Fo…
XII I CANNOT live with you, It would be life, And life is over there Behind the shelf
149 She went as quiet as the Dew From an Accustomed flower. Not like the Dew, did she return At the Accustomed hour!
A light exists in spring Not present on the year At any other period. When March is scarcely here A color stands abroad
310 Give little Anguish— Lives will fret— Give Avalanches— And they’ll slant—
XLV DELIGHT becomes pictorial When viewed through pain,— More fair, because impossible That any gain.
486 I was the slightest in the House— I took the smallest Room— At night, my little Lamp, and Boo… And one Geranium—
THE BAT is dun with wrinkled wi… Like fallow article, And not a song pervades his lips, Or none perceptible. His small umbrella, quaintly halve…
886 These tested Our Horizon— Then disappeared As Birds before achieving A Latitude.
514 Her smile was shaped like other sm… The Dimples ran along— And still it hurt you, as some Bi… Did hoist herself, to sing,
843 I made slow Riches but my Gain Was steady as the Sun And every Night, it numbered more Than the preceding One
366 Although I put away his life— An Ornament too grand For Forehead low as mine, to wear… This might have been the Hand
The Grass so little has to do— A Sphere of simple Green— With only Butterflies to brood And Bees to entertain— And stir all day to pretty Tunes
God gave a loaf to every bird, But just a crumb to me; I dare not eat it, though I starv… My poignant luxury To own it, touch it, prove the fea…