A lane of Yellow led the eye Unto a Purple Wood Whose soft inhabitants to be Surpasses solitude If Bird the silence contradict
479 She dealt her pretty words like B… How glittering they shone— And every One unbared a Nerve Or wantoned with a Bone—
645 Bereavement in their death to feel Whom We have never seen— A Vital Kinsmanship import Our Soul and theirs—between—
Could mortal lip divine The undeveloped Freight Of a delivered syllable ‘Twould crumble with the weight.
THE LARGEST fire ever known Occurs each afternoon, Discovered is without surprise, Proceeds without concern: Consumes, and no report to men,
252 I can wade Grief— Whole Pools of it— I’m used to that— But the least push of Joy
308 I send Two Sunsets— Day and I—in competition ran— I finished Two—and several Stars— While He—was making One—
209 With thee, in the Desert— With thee in the thirst— With thee in the Tamarind wood— Leopard breathes—at last!
490 To One denied the drink To tell what Water is Would be acuter, would it not Than letting Him surmise?
Not in this world to see his face Sounds long, until I read the pla… Where this is said to be But just the primer to a life Unopened, rare, upon the shelf,
432 Do People moulder equally, They bury, in the Grave? I do believe a Species As positively live
IF I can stop one heart from brea… I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching… Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin
How firm Eternity must look To crumbling men like me The only Adamant Estate In all Identity - How mighty to the insecure
930 There is a June when Corn is cut And Roses in the Seed— A Summer briefer than the first But tenderer indeed
606 The Trees like Tassels—hit—and sw… There seemed to rise a Tune From Miniature Creatures Accompanying the Sun—