Glory is that bright tragic thing That for an instant Means Dominion - Warms some poor name That never felt the Sun,
809 Unable are the Loved to die For Love is Immortality, Nay, it is Deity— Unable they that love—to die
Awake ye muses nine, sing me a str… Unwind the solemn twine, and tie m… Oh the Earth was made for lovers,… For sighing, and gentle whispering… All things do go a courting, in ea…
751 My Worthiness is all my Doubt— His Merit—all my fear— Contrasting which, my quality Do lowlier—appear—
949 Under the Light, yet under, Under the Grass and the Dirt, Under the Beetle’s Cellar Under the Clover’s Root,
89 Some things that fly there be— Birds—Hours—the Bumblebee— Of these no Elegy. Some things that stay there be—
123 Many cross the Rhine In this cup of mine. Sip old Frankfort air From my brown Cigar.
Image of Light, Adieu - Thanks for the interview - So long– so short – Preceptor of the whole - Coeval Cardinal -
Part One: Life LI IT tossed and tossed,— A little brig I knew,— O’ertook by blast,
842 Good to hide, and hear 'em hunt! Better, to be found, If one care to, that is, The Fox fits the Hound—
423 The Months have ends—the Years—a… No Power can untie To stretch a little further A Skein of Misery—
742 Four Trees—upon a solitary Acre— Without Design Or Order, or Apparent Action— Maintain—
Two butterflies went out at noon And waltzed above a stream, Then stepped straight through the… And rested on a beam; And then together bore away
649 Her Sweet turn to leave the Homes… Came the Darker Way— Carriages—Be Sure—and Guests—too… But for Holiday
717 The Beggar Lad—dies early— It’s Somewhat in the Cold— And Somewhat in the Trudging feet… And haply, in the World—