710 The Sunrise runs for Both— The East—Her Purple Troth Keeps with the Hill— The Noon unwinds Her Blue
809 Unable are the Loved to die For Love is Immortality, Nay, it is Deity— Unable they that love—to die
41 I robbed the Woods— The trusting Woods. The unsuspecting Trees Brought out their Burs and mosses
The sky is low, the clouds are mea… A travelling flake of snow Across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go. A narrow wind complains all day
Part One: Life LIV EXPERIMENT to me Is every one I meet. If it contain a kernel?
232 The Sun—just touched the Morning— The Morning—Happy thing— Supposed that He had come to dwel… And Life would all be Spring!
661 Could I but ride indefinite As doth the Meadow Bee And visit only where I liked And No one visit me
Sometimes with the Heart Seldom with the Soul Scarcer once with the Might Few - love at all.
422 More Life—went out—when He went Than Ordinary Breath— Lit with a finer Phosphor— Requiring in the Quench—
922 Those who have been in the Grave… Those who begin Today— Equally perish from our Practise— Death is the other way—
443 I tie my Hat—I crease my Shawl— Life’s little duties do—precisely— As the very least Were infinite—to me—
234 You’re right—“the way is narrow”— And “difficult the Gate”— And “few there be”—Correct again— That “enter in—thereat”—
’Twas comfort in her Dying Room To hear the living Clock— A short relief to have the wind Walk boldly up and knock— Diversion from the Dying Theme
Witchcraft has not a Pedigree ’Tis early as our Breath And mourners meet it going out The moment of our death—
The words the happy say Are paltry melody But those the silent feel Are beautiful—