The words the happy say Are paltry melody But those the silent feel Are beautiful—
424 Removed from Accident of Loss By Accident of Gain Befalling not my simple Days— Myself had just to earn—
As from the earth the light Ballo… Asks nothing but release - Ascension that for which it was, Its soaring Residence. The spirit looks upon the Dust
LXIII Ample make this bed. Make this bed with awe; In it wait till judgment break Excellent and fair.
600 It troubled me as once I was— For I was once a Child— Concluding how an Atom—fell— And yet the Heavens—held—
The Grass so little has to do— A Sphere of simple Green— With only Butterflies to brood And Bees to entertain— And stir all day to pretty Tunes
397 When Diamonds are a Legend, And Diadems—a Tale— I Brooch and Earrings for Myself… Do sow, and Raise for sale—
I measure every Grief I meet With narrow, probing, Eyes— I wonder if It weighs like Mine— Or has an Easier size. I wonder if They bore it long—
798 She staked her Feathers—Gained an… Debated—Rose again— This time—beyond the estimate Of Envy, or of Men—
752 So the Eyes accost—and sunder In an Audience— Stamped—occasionally—forever— So may Countenance
‘T was just this time last year I… I know I heard the corn, When I was carried by the farms,— It had the tassels on. I thought how yellow it would look
59 A little East of Jordan, Evangelists record, A Gymnast and an Angel Did wrestle long and hard—
808 So set its Sun in Thee What Day be dark to me— What Distance—far— So I the Ships may see
These—saw Visions— Latch them softly— These—held Dimples— Smooth them slow— This—addressed departing accents—
514 Her smile was shaped like other sm… The Dimples ran along— And still it hurt you, as some Bi… Did hoist herself, to sing,