#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters #XIXCentury
309 For largest Woman’s Hearth I kne… ’Tis little I can do— And yet the largest Woman’s Heart Could hold an Arrow—too—
547 I’ve seen a Dying Eye Run round and round a Room— In search of Something—as it seem… Then Cloudier become—
261 Put up my lute! What of—my Music! Since the sole ear I cared to cha… Passive—as Granite—laps My Music…
387 The sweetest Heresy received That Man and Woman know— Each Other’s Convert— Though the Faith accommodate but…
His bill an auger is, His head, a cap and frill. He laboreth at every tree,— A worm his utmost goal.
Those fair—fictitious People— The Women—plucked away From our familiar Lifetime— The Men of Ivory— Those Boys and Girls, in Canvas—
252 I can wade Grief— Whole Pools of it— I’m used to that— But the least push of Joy
91 So bashful when I spied her! So pretty—so ashamed! So hidden in her leaflets Lest anybody find—
XXVI THE brain within its groove Runs evenly and true; But let a splinter swerve, ’T were easier for you
823 Not that We did, shall be the tes… When Act and Will are done But what Our Lord infers We woul… Had We diviner been—
Immured in Heaven! What a Cell! Let every Bondage be, Thou sweetest of the Universe, Like that which ravished thee!
929 How far is it to Heaven? As far as Death this way— Of River or of Ridge beyond Was no discovery.
Silence is all we dread. There’s Ransom in a Voice - But Silence is Infinity. Himself have not a face.
A little bread—a crust—a crumb— A little trust—a demijohn— Can keep the soul alive— Not portly, mind! but breathing—wa… Conscious—as old Napoleon,
XXIX THE nearest dream recedes, unreal… The heaven we chase Like the June bee Before the school—boy