XXIV A NARROW fellow in the grass Occasionally rides; You may have met him,—did you not? His notice sudden is.
LXVII A DEED knocks first at thought, And then it knocks at will. That is the manufacturing spot, And will at home and well.
987 The Leaves like Women interchange Exclusive Confidence— Somewhat of nods and somewhat Portentous inference.
865 He outstripped Time with but a Bo… He outstripped Stars and Sun And then, unjaded, challenged God In presence of the Throne.
420 You’ll know it—as you know ’tis N… By Glory— As you do the Sun— By Glory—
XLVI A THOUGHT went up my mind to—d… That I have had before, But did not finish,—some way back, I could not fix the year,
223 I Came to buy a smile—today— But just a single smile— The smallest one upon your face Will suit me just as well—
The Devil—had he fidelity Would be the best friend— Because he has ability— But Devils cannot mend— Perfidy is the virtue
553 One Crucifixion is recorded—only— How many be Is not affirmed of Mathematics— Or History—
885 Our little Kinsmen’—after Rain In plenty may be seen, A Pink and Pulpy multitude The tepid Ground upon.
569 I reckon—when I count at all— First—Poets—Then the Sun— Then Summer—Then the Heaven of G… And then—the List is done—
105 To hang our head—ostensibly— And subsequent, to find That such was not the posture Of our immortal mind—
The Face we choose to miss - Be it but for a Day As absent as a Hundred Years, When it has rode away.
54 If I should die, And you should live— And time should gurgle on— And morn should beam—
867 Escaping backward to perceive The Sea upon our place— Escaping forward, to confront His glittering Embrace—