543 I fear a Man of frugal Speech— I fear a Silent Man— Haranguer—I can overtake— Or Babbler—entertain—
526 To hear an Oriole sing May be a common thing— Or only a divine. It is not of the Bird
979 This Merit hath the worst— It cannot be again— When Fate hath taunted last And thrown Her furthest Stone—
496 As far from pity, as complaint— As cool to speech—as stone— As numb to Revelation As if my Trade were Bone—
756 One Blessing had I than the rest So larger to my Eyes That I stopped gauging—satisfied— For this enchanted size—
965 Denial—is the only fact Perceived by the Denied— Whose Will—a numb significance— The Day the Heaven died—
762 The Whole of it came not at once— ’Twas Murder by degrees— A Thrust—and then for Life a chan… The Bliss to cauterize—
642 Me from Myself — to banish — Had I Art — Impregnable my Fortress Unto All Heart —
99 New feet within my garden go— New fingers stir the sod— A Troubadour upon the Elm Betrays the solitude.
Epigram THIS is my letter to the world, That never wrote to me,— The simple news that Nature told, With tender majesty.
302 Like Some Old fashioned Miracle When Summertime is done— Seems Summer’s Recollection And the Affairs of June
My Garden—like the Beach— Denotes there be—a Sea— That’s Summer— Such as These—the Pearls She fetches—such as Me
Remembrance has a Rear and Front… ’Tis something like a House - It has a Garret also For Refuse and the Mouse. Besides the deepest Cellar
323 As if I asked a common Alms, And in my wondering hand A Stranger pressed a Kingdom, And I, bewildered, stand—
246 Forever at His side to walk— The smaller of the two! Brain of His Brain— Blood of His Blood—