It’s like the light,— A fashionless delight It’s like the bee,— A dateless melody. It’s like the woods,
239 “Heaven”—is what I cannot reach! The Apple on the Tree— Provided it do hopeless—hang— That—"He aven" is—to Me!
696 Their Height in Heaven comforts n… Their Glory—nought to me— ’Twas best imperfect—as it was— I’m finite—I can’t see—
To die—takes just a little while— They say it doesn't hurt— It's only fainter—by degrees— And then—it's out of sight— A darker Ribbon—for a Day—
501 This World is not Conclusion. A Species stands beyond— Invisible, as Music— But positive, as Sound—
809 Unable are the Loved to die For Love is Immortality, Nay, it is Deity— Unable they that love—to die
There is another sky, Ever serene and fair, And there is another sunshine, Though it be darkness there; Never mind faded forests, Austin,
920 We can but follow to the Sun— As oft as He go down He leave Ourselves a Sphere behin… ’Tis mostly—following—
I felt a Funeral, in my Brain, And Mourners to and fro Kept treading—treading—till it see… That Sense was breaking through— And when they all were seated,
So proud she was to die It made us all ashamed That what we cherished, so unknown To her desire seemed. So satisfied to go
515 No Crowd that has occurred Exhibit—I suppose That General Attendance That Resurrection—does—
223 I Came to buy a smile—today— But just a single smile— The smallest one upon your face Will suit me just as well—
Apparently with no surprise, To any happy flower, The frost beheads it at its play, In accidental power. The blond assassin passes on.
473 I am ashamed’—I hide’— What right have I’—to be a Bride’… So late a Dowerless Girl’— Nowhere to hide my dazzled Face’—
LXIII Ample make this bed. Make this bed with awe; In it wait till judgment break Excellent and fair.