38 By such and such an offering To Mr. So and So, The web of live woven— So martyrs albums show!
1545 The Bible is an antique Volume— Written by faded men At the suggestion of Holy Spectre… Subjects—Bethlehem&mdash ;
The heart asks pleasure first And then, excuse from pain– And then, those little anodynes That deaden suffering; And then, to go to sleep;
123 Many cross the Rhine In this cup of mine. Sip old Frankfort air From my brown Cigar.
I had been hungry all the years– My noon had come, to dine– I, trembling, drew the table near And touched the curious wine. ‘T was this on tables I had seen
483 A Solemn thing within the Soul To feel itself get ripe— And golden hang—while farther up— The Maker’s Ladders stop—
8 There is a word Which bears a sword Can pierce an armed man— It hurls its barbed syllables
542 I had no Cause to be awake— My Best—was gone to sleep— And Morn a new politeness took— And failed to wake them up—
THE LARGEST fire ever known Occurs each afternoon, Discovered is without surprise, Proceeds without concern: Consumes, and no report to men,
154 Except to Heaven, she is nought. Except for Angels—lone. Except to some wide-wandering Bee A flower superfluous blown.
286 That after Horror — that ’twas us… That passed the mouldering Pier — Just as the Granite Crumb let go… Our Savior, by a Hair —
All men for Honor hardest work But are not known to earn - Paid after they have ceased to wor… In Infamy or Urn -
313 I should have been too glad, I se… Too lifted—for the scant degree Of Life’s penurious Round— My little Circuit would have sham…
928 The Heart has narrow Banks It measures like the Sea In mighty—unremitting Bass And Blue Monotony
260 Read—Sweet—how others—strove— Till we—are stouter— What they—renounced— Till we—are less afraid—